Ancient Esoterica knowledge base

Here you’ll find a library of resources for navigating the spiritual awakening journey. We are currently at a pivotal time in the human story, and as we remember who we are and let go of the stories that limit us, many of us are left with more questions than answers.

It has been my dream for years to make esoteric information more easily accessible, all in one place ~ for those who want to understand who they really are, what the heck is going on in the world right now, and how to navigate it all in a grounded way as we collectively enter the unknown.

“You’re not dying - you’re just waking up!!” - Unknown

These are my opinions and my truth. Take what resonates, leave what does not.

Much love & Namaste,

Sara Murray

knowledge base

knowledge base

Revelations, The thinning of the veil, and the 3d/5d split…
sara murray sara murray

Revelations, The thinning of the veil, and the 3d/5d split…

The veil is thinning as we enter the fall months. Much of humanity is being shaken awake, realizing the truth behind the illusions we have been presented with for generations.

Will we answer the call to higher consciousness?

Or will we remain within the walls of the matrix, choosing fear over love?

All is welcome, as all paths eventually lead back to Spirit, but this month we have the opportunity to quantum leap into the mystery to expand beyond what we have known.

Much Love & Namaste, Sara.

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sara murray sara murray


The following begins with musings on my perspective on substances in 2020-2021, upon moving out on my own. I had fulfilled the desires my lower self wanted for a long time - but my higher self was deeply unfulfilled and confused, thinking there had to be more to life. Now, I reflect back and see where both myself and my friends were at back then, and how we can be self aware in regards to our relationship with substances & raising our vibration.

Much Love & Namaste, Sara

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