attention // information // discernment - how can we learn how to trust in these crazy times?

July 23, 2024

The following is a series of excerpts from articles on my old website, from 2021. The information & themes felt relevant to todays very charged and chaotic times, and it is my intention to share my opinions about certain topics while providing food for thought & contemplation. There is a lot of informational warfare going on currently - how do we know what, or who we can trust? Why do we have a weird feeling about mainstream sources, aren’t they supposed to be telling the truth? What if they aren’t, and are instead fueling division tactics, to keep us forever enslaved in the fight for being “right”… What if we have been intentionally programmed not to trust ourselves, and to live from the outside in, so as to project all authority, all truth, and all fulfillment in the hands of the external?

This ones a deep dive into a lot of my opinions of mainstream narratives, written as I was uncovering many core, dark truths about society back in Spring of 2021.

As always, take what resonates and leave what does not!

Much love ~ Sara

photo from google

Where attention goes, energy flows…

Most of us spend our lives with our attention directed outward - waiting for direction from authority, to be told what to do and when… verifying truths through authority, books, external sources rather than trusting the voice within… Allowing other people to tell us who to be, how to look, what to think, who to like & praise, who we can trust…

Most of us have been living from the outside in, allowing the external to dictate our internal state - how we feel, what we think, what we should do. We seek fulfillment from the external, believing our happiness lies in that next material thing… that next promotion… our boss finally praising and accepting us…

We think we will finally be happy once we move, once we manifest that amount of $$$, once we get that shiny new car, video game, hot tub…

For some, continuing on the path of living from the outside in seems normal, unbothered by the endless consumption, craving and obtaining, caught in a cycle of expectation, excitement, then defeat as the desire cycle dissipates and the void within us grows.

Many of us are beginning to discover the internal realms, the potential and deep fulfillment that comes when we reverse engineer our happiness - when we embody true happiness, and come into an internal state of fulfillment and stillness, we manifest endless experiences that heighten and amplify our already embodied state. Instead of filling a void, seeking something outside to make us happy or fulfilled inside, we face our shadows, embrace our fears, love ourselves and come into fulfillment within, with happiness becoming our natural state.

When we direct our attention inward, and listen to the voice of our soul, we can hear guidance flowing to us that has always been there - although we weren’t always fully aware of it.

Thoughts, ideas, feelings and decisions all come from within. Everything we’ve ever done started within us, developing from an idea into a feeling and then into a choice, which resulted in a created consequence in our physical reality.

Our thoughts create our reality everyday, as every choice we make originates as a thought.

The whispers of our soul trickle into our mind countless times a day, many times being ignored or perceived as far fetched by the ego mind. Our own inner knowledge is a powerful force, but when consciousness is too isolated in the mind and ego, we have a hard time understanding this knowledge. Our indoctrinated perceptions and limited consciousness are often the only things standing in the way of us reaching our full potential and tapping into an abundance of valuable information within.

How do we know what information we can or cannot trust?

When we are still asleep within the artificial matrix and unaware of spiritual truths that awaken us to our soul, our true nature, we tend to trust outside forces over our own inner guidance because that's what we’ve been taught to do. Since birth we are programmed to look externally for guidance and information, and many of us don’t trust ourselves or others. However, when we are awakened to our divinity and uncover hidden truths of the reality surrounding us, we tend to trust our own inner knowledge over outside sources because we understand most outside (mainstream) sources are designed to share only information that fits a specific narrative, often seeking to control and keep valuable information a secret.

When we learn to trust our inner knowing, we can better discern what others are telling us, beginning to sniff out the frequency of core truths vs. when others are coming from fear or control.

When we begin to awaken, we step into polarity - seeing “my truth” vs “your truth”. This can serve us well when we are initially expanding our consciousness, as we individuate and begin to distinguish between truth and illusion. Many of us go through a “discovery phase - where we seek out information about who we are, and whats really going on in the world around us. We must be able to think for ourselves, develop our own hypothesis and ideas, and choose what ideas we wish to subscribe to, if we want to evolve out of the current age of ignorance. The more we open our mind and expand our consciousness, we begin to awaken to “the truth” - that all facts are actually facets, and there are universal truths that govern our reality - all other things are subjective, different facets of the whole.

This polarity play is necessary, but also creates a disconnect throughout society when we become too polarized, too radical or extreme, causing disagreements and “I’m right and your wrong” mentality.

When we still function out of programming, we don’t understand that everyone has a different perspective, shaped by our own experiences and what we’ve learned.

We struggle to understand this when consciousness is too isolated in the ego mind, remaining within herd mentality and primal survival programs. Those who are heavily programmed by mainstream society often label anyone thinking outside the herd mentality as “crazy conspiracy theorists,” pushing them to the outskirts of the collective frame of reference. This label can often be placed on many who walk a spiritually awakened path, just because they don’t prescribe to herd mentality and choose to seek the middle path.

People who support & uphold the programming of the matrix believe anything that goes against the collective frame of reference is crazy, dangerous and untrue because it clashes with their beliefs, triggering cognitive dissonance. The truth is uncomfortable for all of us when we remain within the confines of our comfort zone, within fear and herd mentality, allowing the external to tell us what to do, who to be, and what to think. This is why many key universal truths are disregarded by mainstream society. Things like the Law of Attraction are just now becoming more widely accepted - and it is still belittled and judged by many. I believe everybody has a differing perspective which shapes their own belief system, but there are many universal truths that we can all agree upon if we step out of fear and open our hearts.

There is much corruption, darkness and deception currently embodying the mainstream frame of reference, and many people turn a blind eye to this because it’s uncomfortable to confront these concepts and to question the narrative.

Its uncomfortable to individuate, but it is not wrong.

Trust issues suck. Everybody has experienced them one time or another, and trusting something so mysterious and unknown can seem whack to the logical ego mind. So much of our consciousness has been isolated into the ego construct, locking us in survival and much of the primal, shadow DNA of the human collective. Many people in the past have disregarded my spirituality and my work simply because they don’t teach you about it in school, or you don’t hear about it on tv, unless you’re watching Ancient Aliens.

In a world where empowering knowledge and truth is hard to come by, it’s hard to know what or who you can trust. But I always advise people to go inside themselves… truth resonates with the soul.

Don’t trust anybody’s word until you’ve looked into it yourself, and always ask questions - you will not be deceived any longer. Create your own belief systems and opinions, and most of all... do what feels right. Trust your gut feelings, that’s your intuition talking. Trust the nudges and sensations of your body - energy does not lie, and the body speaks to us & guides us into alignment through sensation. Feel it.

You may be thinking what the heck is this girl even talking about, or wondering why you’ve never heard about any of this before. Look at what is pushed in our faces everyday - the fear programming of the news, the urgency to believe authority rather than ourselves, lies and deception of the media, the themes present in our movies and tv shows.

So much of what is pushed in our face is designed to keep us distracted, to keep us from discovering our true potential, and to keep us in fear. Many of these topics seem crazy or paranormal because we have been convinced there is no more than the mundane - that those who believe in the paranormal are crazy, illogical... that normal life is supposed to be robotic and inorganic.

What is normal? Who told us this information? How do we know we can trust it?

We blindly trust what we are told by authority figures because this is what we learned to do from a young age. But who tells our authority figures what to say? Who pulls the strings from behind the scenes?

image from google

All in all, I invite you to expand your mind, and open your thinking to the imaginal realms. The human imagination is the gateway to higher realms, to the Akashic Field and infinite sources of information. Truth is a resonance, a frequency - and when we learn to know its essence, to discern it and release what is not grounded in it - we open ourselves up to the magic that exists beyond the mundane.

I hope this information uplifts you, and serves you well, reminding you of your power and inherent value in this world.

Humanity is a powerful, beautiful, sacred collective - let us remember this, as we traverse these challenging, reality shaking times we are in.

With so much love and gratitude ~

Namaste, Sara Murray



The unseen hand - written in the 1980s, but very relevant to today's world stage...


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