what is the matrix?

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The following was completed in May 2021, aside from the last chapter which was written today.

I felt guided to share this today, as many souls are awakening currently and questioning the systems and structures in place in our lives, wondering why things are the way they are, and what’s really going on beyond the veil.

These are my opinions and perspectives on the topic of the matrix control system currently crumbling on Earth, held in place by Archons and their followers for 1000s of years.

As always, take what resonates and leave what does not. Much love!

By Sara Murray

August 21, 2024

Today is the day I awakened from my coma 7 years ago…

It was also the day of a potent Solar Eclipse that awakened many souls, and shifted many lives away from the mundane and deeper into the mystical. A potent new chapter begins today, allowing us to step into higher consciousness and embody our authentic soul frequency on the Earth plane.

Many of us have been on the awakening path for years, constantly peeling back the layers of illusion to reveal the truth beyond the veil, and the fact that there is so much more to this reality than the artificial fear matrix. The following are my opinions from many years ago, and I believe the underlying truth within this body of work describes the systems many of us have fallen into. I concluded this work with my present perspectives, and a positive solution to this challenging, heavy and negative concept presented below.

We’re not fucked… we’re just waking up, rediscovering our power and remembering what it means to be a human. We will not become machines - we will continue to remember, expand and evolve into our full humanness, while bridging the world of nature / spirit with the world of people / ego.

Much Love & Namaste… Let’s dive in!

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What is the matrix?

The matrix is a digital perception of the world that has been put in place by those who control us without our knowing or questioning. We are manipulated through our attention, and they know exactly how to get us to do what they want.

Money, relationships, sex and valuable items keep people pretty distracted, as these are things that fuel the ego.

The ego wants to feel justified, secure, to have hierarchies, and be at the top of those hierarchies. The ego wants to feel important, and to have what we need to survive and feel comfortable. Hence why we are kept in survival mode, constantly needing comfort, rarely stepping outside the comfort zone.

Our focus is put on things that feed and distract the ego, which causes our spiritual essence, who we are at our core, to be muted.

The ego wants to control, to feel powerful - but this disconnects us from our spirit, which naturally allows and thus manifests everything it needs into existence.

Our spiritual essence guides us towards achieving goals that resonate with us on a soul level for spiritual growth and experience.

This is what those in control do not want.

They dont want free thinkers, people who create their own opinions and people who question authority - because then their system would fail.

The system operates on ignorance.

As long as we stay blissfully ignorant and completely distracted, we will not question our reality or the systems of control in place.

Comfortable control.

Our spirit is what pulls us in directions, what gets us to take leaps of faith and to just go for it. It's our gut feelings, who we are at our core, what forms the basis for who we are, our individuality.

We are programmed to conform, to fit in with the crowd, to do what everyone else is doing - because it's easier that way to keep us all in line. Herd mentality. When our soul is muted and the ego is in control and distracted, we dont feel this energetic connection as much.

We have no freedom, even though it seems like we do because of the abundance of distractions constantly surrounding us everywhere we go, but no matter what we do we still wind up feeling empty, unfulfilled and unhappy in the end. It's the illusion of false abundance or happiness, rooted in scarcity and true emptiness. Its false - an illusion, that keeps us consuming instead of actually enjoying our lives, and discovering the true laws of abundance.

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Its also the Illusion of Choice - the false notion that we have unlimited choices, opportunities and options, but all those are merely orchestrated for us, and controlled by a few corporate entities.

Keeping us controlled financially, distracted mentally and disconnected emotionally is what really keeps us from questioning our reality.

Many of us don’t question life because we have been convinced it is all “normal,” that this is just the way life is… convinced we have no power to change things, and that the only way we can influence our lives is if we have money or power over others.

So we work our lives away, striving for illusions rooted in the mind, becoming slaves to the system - many of us becoming debt slaves as we try to fill our internal void with purchases and have to work more to keep up with it all. We work day after day in hopes of someday achieving abundance, to someday be able to live the life of our dreams. But, before we know it, we’re too old and energetically drained to do anything but consume and watch tv, and avoid the fact that we never actually did anything with our lives… that we never actually did what we wanted.

We are all presented with the illusion that we will work hard and be rewarded with things we want, but we wind up just repeating the same cycles, trapped in the same class we started in.

Screwed over. Betrayed. Misunderstood, belittled, shamed.

We work hard, buy something new to make ourselves feel better. Work hard, try to please our boss, who abuses their power and constantly makes us feel less than. Work hard, buy something else. Work hard, get maybe a week off a year.

Now - this isn’t how it is for everyone, but I have observed my loved ones and many people around me just accept this lifestyle… just submit to the system, and suffer. They suffer so much… because they don’t know any better, because they’ve been convinced this is just the way it is, that they have no choice… bull fucking shit. All while the cost of living rises exponentially, making it nearly impossible to make enough to survive.

It takes a lot of effort to rise above our limitations, and many of us are too distracted or energetically drained to ever make real progress. So we continue on with what is comfortable, what keeps us feeling secure in a world full of insecurities. We continue on in our comfort zone, staying within the walls of what is familiar.

We don't realize how infinite we are, and that life is all about experience and simply living, not wasting our life force, purposeless hard work, and consumption. Most people will do almost anything for financial freedom and abundance, and then spend most of their time blowing through their money consuming.

We want freedom, but are scared of it when we glimpse it because it is so unfamiliar. So we numb and give it all away to the nearest authority figure or promise of a good high.

When we think this is all we have, our only shot at existence, we will do anything we can to achieve what we want… we will fight, hurt, step on others to survive and bully others to feel better about ourselves when we are rooted in our ego, rooted in separation.

The matrix convinces us we are separate from all life, that we are machine like and anything human about us is to be shamed and rejected.

The ego mind needs to constantly make sense of its reality, control the outcome, and feel secure. It needs to be right, and will fight for its perceptions at all costs. We become so distracted by the fight to be right, that we miss the whole point of life - to experience, to love, to learn and to remember who we are beyond it all. We are spiritual beings, having a temporary human experience… but we are totally distracted by the illusions presented to us, which keeps our spirit muted.

We usually don't get around to achieving financial freedom because we pour all our money back into the system, and it's impossible to get ahead when you alone are supporting yourself. It's even harder to save money and achieve abundance when we're constantly surrounded by capitalism. Advertisements are always being shoved in our faces, no matter where we direct our attention. “You need this product to feel good about yourself!” “You need this drug to stuff down your repressed traumas and feelings!!” “You NEED to go to college because you’re dumb and won’t succeed without it!!” “You need to try this alcohol, it’s what everyone is drinking…” “You need to buy this $200 shirt, the Kardashians are wearing it… and don’t you want to be like them???” Numb, consume… numb, consume… numb, consume. All teaching you that you are less than, and will not feel worthy unless you buy this thing. All rooted in filling a void within, numbing our spiritual disconnection…

We are forever engulfed in materialism and distractions, all of which cost money. Forever working towards freedom, striving for a false version of success, but instead giving it all away to be distracted and feel secure. To feel anything but what it feels like to be ourselves. To avoid the massive black hole in our hearts where our soul connection is supposed to be. Slaves to a system of control and suppression of the human spirit.

We are told constantly that the world is dangerous, we need to live in fear, people are out to get us, everyone wants to hurt us, that we are separate from all life.

We are purposefully presented with illusions that keep us distracted or in fear. All concepts that keep us in our ego mind, fighting for survival and security. We are purposely not taught about the energetic nature of our lives because when we know the truth, it frees us from the matrix, the control system.

We cannot be controlled when we know we are a limitless soul, and when we see the inherent mystical, magical nature of this realm.

We give all of our energy away to these control systems, completely unaware and ignorant of the importance of energy and experience over accumulation of resources and material wealth. Completely unaware that it is our frequency that determines our experience, and our inherent sense of worth that attracts abundance.

But slowly, many of us are starting to wake up to the reality that is the control system, and we want to share what we've found.

We are starting to realize that we do not exist to work, obey authority, do as were told, stay in line and never ask questions, but that we exist to do just that - EXIST.

We exist to experience being a human, to be an energetic being having a temporary human experience, building relationships, learning things in every decision and action we make.

We are not here to be slaves to the 1% of the world.

We are here to live as the 100% was intended to, to live free, in collaboration with each other.

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Ignorance is bliss, knowledge is power

Educate yourself on the reality that the foundation of our society may be a control system that is built on structures of narcissistic intent, and that we have been controlled, manipulated and distracted in order to drain us of our life force energy and spirituality for a long time, to keep us sick, sad, limited and confused. Willingly trapping ourselves and in submission.

Learn about what you consume, the things you’ve been taught, what you put in your body, the activities you participate in.

You can decide to remain ignorant and distracted forever because it's “easy”…

Or you can free yourself and start creating your own reality. Do what you want to. Living the life of your dreams, and discovering the limitless potential in everyday life.

Just because life’s always been like this doesn't mean it has to continue on…

We are the overwhelming majority.

We are the consumers and workers, we fund the entire system.

We call the shots, we just didn't think we had a choice.

It's time to take our power back, start thinking for ourselves, and live the lives we were meant to. We all have a powerful voice, we can use it to change the world. We don't need to escape reality anymore, the only thing holding us back from living and enjoying life to the fullest are limitations we place upon ourselves, because of our programming.

We are taught from birth that there are many things holding us back from being happy, we are never able to truly get to do what we want to because of authority figures put in place to keep us from experiencing too much freedom.

These authority figures always want to “keep us safe”, but end up controlling and manipulating us to fit their specific agendas, which don’t always work for us.

I can think of a few scenarios in life where this has played out for all of us, where we’ve given our power to authority who abused it and screwed us over in the end... we think they have good intentions, but they really just want to get rich… oof.

The only one who truly knows what's best for us is us, and the only way we can learn what's best for us is through making mistakes and learning. Yes we can honor the advice and perspectives of others, but it is truly up to us to learn and discern what is in alignment with us, and what we can choose that serves the highest good of all, not just our own personal desires.

Learn from your mistakes, and discover what brings you joy and happiness. Everything has something to teach us.

The only limitations you have are those that you place upon yourself.

We are told we have so many limitations in all aspects of life, that there is so much we cannot do, and this is why we are so heavily addicted to technology and why we always retreat to virtual reality - there are seemingly no limitations, you can do whatever, be whatever, have whatever you want.

It is heaven for the ego, which most of our consciousness has been isolated in.

But why can’t we live out our dreams and desires in this reality? Why can’t we take our power back, make choices that benefit all beings, and create structures that really truly serve us all? Why? Whats standing in the way?

That is a very individual, personalized question… that when answered, can lead to profound shifts in consciousness and quantum leaps. When we realize we have been the ones holding ourselves back, choosing to submit to a system that no longer serves us, allowing ourselves to be convinced of our false disempowered separate nature… this is when we reclaim our power.

This is when we realize we have held all the tools and wisdom we need within us… and all we have to do is reconnect with it, activate our innate sensitivities and discover our unique piece to the collective human puzzle. When we come back to love for ourselves and all beings, and remember we always have a choice, our life transforms drastically, almost overnight.

When we realize we are sovereign beings, that are here to co create with nature and a force that is beyond what we can comprehend… we truly transcend the matrix, and see through its illusions of control, scarcity and separation.

What if we’re not fucked… we’re just waking up? What if we’re not screwed or destined to experience a life of limitation, control and endless suffering… what if we are destined for so much more?

What if we have the ability to tap into higher realms? To transcend time itself, collapse all timelines into the present moment, and step into our truth, into our authentic presence? What if magic is real?

The matrix is within our minds - rooted in programming, conditioning and generational karma passed down over 8+ generations. Therefore, we can transcend any matrix energies through expanding our mind, awakening our senses & higher chakras, and balancing out our lower chakras… in non-woowoo terms, that means restoring our connection with nature, healing our generational trauma (the negative patterns passed down through our lineages), reconnecting with our inner child, and through discovering who and what we really are.

Luckily, there is a light at the end of this tunnel… a solution to this hellscape described above. There is a path beyond survival, beyond the limitations and fear of the ego, beyond the perceptions that keep us limited and locked in the ego. There is a middle path - one that honors both the light and the dark, the positive and negative aspects within all beings… and embraces the uncertainty that comes with the great mystery of life.

I invite you all to transcend your limitations by remembering you are an eternal soul, having a temporary human experience, as your own unique desired avatar.

You have done this before, and you will do it again.

Here’s to the journey of remembering!!!!

Much Love & Namaste,

Sara Murray


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