The unseen hand - written in the 1980s, but very relevant to today's world stage...

July 23, 2024

Welcome back to the KnowledgeBase! We’ve got a good one for ya today… something I actually wrote in August 2020 upon moving to Florida. I was beginning notes on a book called “The Unseen Hand” by A. Ralph Epperson, and although I never finished the book, I felt these notes were relevant to todays political atmosphere and many of the agendas at play currently.

The following information is not shared to instill fear, or to divide or fuel separation - it exists to suggest and uncover certain agendas that may be at work from behind the scenes on the world stage, so you can remove your attention from the scripted play that is mainstream media and take your power back. The more you know, and learn discernment, the less you can be deceived.

Arm yourselves with knowledge! As the news fish says in Spongebob.

photo from google

Originally published in 1985, the book introduces a peering behind the veil kind of vibe - including detailed research and highly thought through perspectives that paint a more clear picture of what is actually going on, and why the world stage is the way it is - such a chaotic, ungrounded, fear based place of control and misuse of power.

Let’s dive into it!

As always, take what resonates and leave what does not!!

Much love, Sara

Government is trying to separate itself from God, because therefore it can become God.

God is the only thing superior to government, and is what gives us our right to be alive. When God is separated from government, tyranny can erupt and Government becomes God. Government can therefore give us our right to be alive, and can restrict us from things God wouldn’t. We become under governments control, at the whim of our externalized power structure, because government has convinced us to view it as God. It can give us our rights, and can take away rights. It can instill whatever rules and regulations it wants. God is no longer viewed as our creator, instead government is. 

Spiritual vs scientific view:

Many were born with the standard scientific view on life - medicine, experimentation, theory, logic and reasoning. We evolved from fish. We are the superior beings on Earth. We have no purpose, we are all here by accident as a result of a series of accidents. There are no coincidences.

On one hand, this is true. Life exists as a result of a series of perceivable “accidents”, but they are not accidents entirely - they are intentional acts, divinely designed to expand towards life. Mainstream science is in my opinion closer to true spirituality than religion is - but holding a solely scientific perspective leaves you isolated in atheism and separation. When we integrate the spiritual, we discover that nothing really matters because everything matters - everything is sacred, everything is part of the whole, the all. Everything, good and bad, comes from source, so everything is inherently special, and nothing is more special than another. Paradoxical, yes, but that is the true nature of reality.

Many are now shifting their views towards the spiritual. We incarnate as an energetic soul having a temporary physical experience, our bodies are a meat suit, a vessel for our divine self expression. We incarnate many times with different purposes, and create and resolve karma which guides us through lessons over lifetimes. When we die we return to higher realms, as pure energy, and decide where, when and if we will incarnate again. We plan out our lives, but we still have free will - therefore even though there may be a divine plan, we may override it with our human will if we choose, which can turn out positive or negative for us at times.

This also means that although it may seem like we are powerless, like those outside of us have more power than us, this is never actually the case - we always have free will, and can choose if we want to prescribe to certain ideas, constructs or power struggles. We can choose what reality we want to create, and can encourage ourselves and others to live with an open heart again. 

We are heavily distracted and led away from our souls/ spiritual essence since birth, which can cause us to stray away from our true nature and alignment with the laws of the universe. This can cause us to get caught up in living from the outside in, something I mentioned in my previous article, and can cause us to make choices that are not good for ourselves or others.

Many people in power, and in the so called “elite” class, view humanity as being unfit to rule over themselves or undeserving of making their own choices, so they believe they have to hold the power, influence and control themselves because we will destroy ourselves. They actually think they are doing us a service by controlling us, keeping us small and limiting our knowledge of self, the universe and the world at large. The key word here is think - they do not know any better, often being born into power and elite social classes, acting as children who misuse power through inflated egos and power struggles. This is analyzed in detail in the book “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper, one of the best mind expanding books written by a former insider.

The deep state, shadow government, Illuminati, satanic pedo cult has been practicing their own religion for centuries behind the scenes, seeing themselves as Gods and in a “secret society” above everyone else. They present themselves as wise, so much better than everyone else. We look up to the elites of the world like they are our gods, and we don’t even realize it. Look at Hollywood, how much we worship idols.

People worship these idols until they come in contact with gods
— Mac Miller, Watching Movies

In the eyes of the elite, if there is no God for the people to believe in, then man will create and trust in government to give all rights “equally”.

I think we’ve all seen how “equal” government is, especially lately…

We think everything is equal, until those in positions of power can get away with crimes that the normal guy would get punished for. We’ve seen this a lot recently, on both sides of politics. They get away with murder because they are seen as Gods, so we instill god-like power in them and give special treatment, unconsciously. As long as our guy is winning, we don’t care how he got there.

Here are a series of quotes from the book regarding this topic…

There are 2 sources claiming to be the source of human rights - “either man himself or someone or something external to man himself, a creator” p. 12

“If men will not be governed by God, they then must be governed by tyrants” William Penn p. 12

“But America’s leaders are now asking that God must be separated from the affairs of the government. If this separation is made, as Mr. William Penn indicated, the people will be governed by tyrants, and future tyrants will do all that they can to separate a belief in God from the existence of government.” p. 12

It was initially believed that God, Source, Spirit gave us our rights, and these rights are upheld and protected by documents like our constitution and bill of rights. Government was initially supposed to be a guide, a sacred container to preserve our innate natural rights and livelihood.

The God who gave us life gave us liberty
— Thomas Jefferson, page 12 "The Unseen Hand"

If God is separated, then we no longer receive our rights to be alive from God, a creator, higher power, etc… and then government can claim its right to give us our rights, and take them away.

The powers that be (or were, because I feel these power systems are crumbling currently) have been trying to separate God from government and daily life slowly overtime. Once they convince people there is no God, or that God deserves to be outcast from daily life through being deemed “weird” or “taboo”, then the government is the all powerful being giving us life. Then government becomes god…

They can limit us in any way they see fit, control our every move and take away our rights to be free individuals. We are seen merely as their workers, their slaves, and they are our all seeing, all knowing Gods. We are seen as meaningless meat suits in the trenches, making life easier and more comfortable for them, those at the top of the pyramid.


image from instagram

Government restrictions take away our freedom and right to do things - we all saw this in full force throughout 2020-2021. You know what I’m talking about. 

They keep us in a constant state of fear, suppression, and distraction so they can do what they want behind the scenes and enact whatever agendas and narratives they wish, moving more power into their hands and less power - or influence - from the little guy.

Government can restrict our ability to do whatever is deemed threatening to the mainstream narrative. If too many people are conscious of government secrets, or are going against an agenda that those at the top of the pyramid want to enact, restrictions will be created through seemingly accidental events that are engineered to get specific outcomes.

Problems are created, to instill a reaction (mostly fear based) in the people, so they will throw their hands up and devote their power to anyone promising a solution. This is the formula that has been used, over and over again, to steer humanity along the desired path and to keep us reacting, over and over, to the next crisis. Many of us remain glued to the news, day after day, not even having time to calm down after the last crisis to become cognizant and coherent enough to decide what we really think about whats going on. We often sit waiting - waiting to react, waiting for the next event to happen that reminds us of how “unsafe the world is”, and how little power we really have on a mainstream path.

We think we are at the whim of random events outside of us - but what if most of those events are not random, but are pre planned and designed to manifest a certain narrative, agenda or outcome?

Here’s another aspect of this whole concept - Government builds walls around the lower class to keep them inside, keep them working for the upper class. Producing what is needed for all to survive.

You remember the picture just a few paragraphs above, right?

The lifestyle for modern americans is a cage, intending to keep people consuming and producing, not living. These walls come in the form of manufactured chaos, gatekeeping information, resources and opportunities. Even drugs, debt slave lifestyle, poverty, gambling, and familial expectations / standards can create a bit of a cage for us.

(the realization of the ruling class claiming to act on behalf of the majority) that they need the productive talents of the minority, and because of this needed production, the majority builds walls to keep the minority inside. What then, should the incentive be to encourage production? Should it be the incentive of the government (fear) or the incentive of the marketplace (profit)?
— "The Unseen Hand" Page 21

One of the initial intentions was for Government to exist to ensure that production of goods is shared with all. The surplus of produce will be distributed to those unable to produce enough, and government reserves the right to take other’s surplus and distribute it to those with insufficient produce. The intentions here are good - to ensure goods are distributed equally to all, however I feel like those initial intentions have been misconstrued in recent times.

The ruling class, or government, wants to maintain its position above everyone else. It wants to be in control of production, and those producing, so their needs may be met for their lifetime, so everything will be provided for them. The ruling class controls the consuming/ producing class - the middle and lower class.

Things have changed because we often become trapped in the class we are born into, so things continue to run the same way, so the ruling class maintains and gains power, and the middle class produces for all and consumes. 

Only a select few individuals rise up to the ruling class, and this makes those who rise up feel like “chosen ones.” These are often celebrities, artists, musicians who rise up out of the lower class and will do anything to stay elevated. And that's why the “chosen ones” do all of the ruling classes biddings, do whatever they are told. They participate in whatever they are invited to, simply because they were invited and have the privilege to take part in whatever it is. This is why many become involved in dark magic, p3dophili@ and ritualistic sacrifice, because of the allure of gaining power and the influence of authority. They never want to be kicked out of the club, they don’t want to be sent back to the outside.

Nobody wants to be on the outside looking in. Everyone wants to be included

That's why it's kept secret. “Secret society”

personal photo May 2018

As always my friends… take what resonates, leave what does not. This has been a book analysis, with some of my opinions sprinkled in - it is in no means the entire truth, however it is my intention to open the conversation to be in truth, to question things and peer behind the veil.

And please, leave any comments or questions below! I would love to hear other’s insights and ideas about this topic. There is so much here - and so much still waiting to be discovered and brought to light.

Much love beautiful souls.


Sara Murray



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