soul reading

Soul Reading
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Are you ready to discover who you are at soul level?

Are you on a journey of knowing thyself - maybe studying your astrology birth chart, looking into human design and gene keys, and desiring to connect more with your soul or spiritual aspects of self?

Have you felt a call to discover what your purpose is in this life?

Do you resonate with the term “starseed” or “lightworker” ?

Do you have a hard time fitting into mainstream society, sometimes feeling like an alien on planet Earth?

You’re not alone - and at this pivotal time in the collective human story, now more than ever is a beautiful time to discover your truth and remember who you are.

Humanity is waking up, and remembering that we are so much more than our physical bodies…

We are multidimensional spiritual beings, having a temporary human experience… and beyond that, we are living in one of the most transformational times in human history… a time of remembering, and rising again into higher consciousness. A brand new age is on the horizon… and the more we wake up and choose to be our most authentic selves, the more we can begin to co-create this New Earth reality that so many of us feel is possible.

and in my opinion, this magical journey of embodiment starts with knowing thyself - that’s why I created my signature Soul Reading.

This Akashic Records reading is for truth seekers, spiritual healers, awakened warriors, psychics, artists, authors, and everything in between…

If you’re ready to reconnect with who you were before everyone told you who to be… to reclaim your authenticity and live a purposeful life everyday… this is for you.

Discover your soul’s galactic origins, past lives on other worlds, your soul’s gifts & authentic soul frequency in this Akashic Records reading.

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Soul Reading
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Its time for us all to discover our truth.

When you understand who you are at soul level, you move through life with confidence, grace and flow.

You can pave your own way on this planet - we are all sovereign beings, with the ability to choose freely in any moment. Many of the systems in this world are built around trying to make us something we are not, in order to keep us under control and to keep us small...

This “normal” path is not for everyone…

Consumption… Fear… Routine, safety and stability over adventure… This works for some, but not all.

When we awaken spiritually, our beliefs of what is possible start shifting - the old souls, black sheep, the moon goddesses, flower children and free spirits are awakening, remembering who they are, and paving their own path.

As we begin awakening our true nature, we desire to take our power back - and I believe a huge way we can empower ourselves is through knowing who we are beyond the identities and labels that society has placed on us.

This reading is designed to help you learn about your soul, unlock your natural spiritual gifts, and become empowered in your everyday life in a way that is joyful, easeful and harmonious with your multi-dimensionality.

When we awaken, we seek answers. We understand we are more than just our ego personality, setting out on a quest to discover and connect with our true, divine nature.

When you co-create in alignment with your soul, you co-create with all the power & energy of the universe as well - because that's what our soul is, one individual aspect of source energy, and thus our soul is our connection to god, source, creator, all that is, great gig in the sky - whatever you choose to call spirit lol. Our soul is our higher self, the aspect of our multi-dimensionality that sees all and is connected to a higher perspective. When you co-create with the universe, and understand your role in the collective human experience, you will continue to expand in ways that are synchronistic and soul-led.

You can let your true nature shine, and live an abundant life as a result.

You can create whatever you want to - that is our true purpose here, to continue adding to the expansion of the universe, learn our individual soul lessons, remember who we really are and have fun while doing it all.

We have a choice - to create through force, or to create through flow.

We are all humans, having a collective human experience. However - inside, we are all unique at our core. Our soul level qualities are the essences we are designed to express most naturally through free will and choice. Aligning with our true nature helps us align with source energy and the universal life force energy that flows through us all.

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We are all sovereign beings, with free will and choice.

You do not have to fit a mold, live a life that doesn’t fit right.

All of us can live a life of purpose, abundance, authenticity and bliss.

We can choose to grow through joy rather than struggle when we tune in to the wisdom of our bodies, align with our soul & harmonize with the natural flow of universal energy.

We can choose to co-create whatever we want in this life - nothing is too weird, too out there - all is possible when we align with our soul.

The choice is yours - there are no wrong answers!

Much Love and Namaste,

Sara Murray