Pleiadian wisdom

hello and welcome back to the knowledge base - This article is the accumulation of almost 6 years of research on the Pleiades star system, including some teachings that were channelled during a few Pleiadian client soul readings.

Much love & namaste,

Sara Murray

personal photo from Lake Wales, FL January 2023

Chapter 1:

First, Some History and Knowledge on the Pleiades Star System

The Pleiades is a star system located near the star Sirius and the constellation Orion in the night sky. All of these star systems were very significant to many past civilizations here on Earth, reminding us of times long ago where humanity remembered its connection to the stars. The Pleiades are often called the 7 sisters, as there are 7 stars in the constellation. In many ancient mythologies and new age starseed teachings, it is suggested that there are very spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations that dwell in the Pleiades star cluster. It is even suggested that beings from the Pleiades have been guiding our civilization for thousands of years, with many present day spiritual teachers channeling spirit guides that are connected to the Pleiades star cluster.

In essence, in my opinion, the Pleiades star system represents our “higher mind” or the higher expressions of thought, knowing and teaching that exist throughout the universe.

The Pleiades are a bit of a hub for spiritual knowledge, guidance and channeled messages, and many spiritually conscious humans incarnated on Earth today have been able to channel the Pleiadians, bringing knowledge, high vibrational energy, and truth to the Earth plane. The art of channeling is common for Pleiadian souls & other starseeds - channeling occurs when a human consciously connects with a higher dimensional being, spirit guide, the Akashic Records, or an aspect of their own higher self, and acts as a channel or transmitter for knowledge that is shared from the higher realms through the channel / vessel. They say the human body is our “vessel”, so it's like linking our vessel with the spiritual / energetic realms and beings of higher frequency to download knowledge & share it with the world.

Nikola Tesla speaks of this, saying he felt he was a transmitter of information and energy, and that he received a lot of the ideas for his inventions through channeling and dreams, connecting with the higher realms in dream states and contemplative states of consciousness.

Pleiadians have a very strong connection with humanity, and I’m not entirely certain but I think they have chosen to help assist in humanity’s current ascension process by being guides to humans currently incarnated on Earth. Their civilization is vast, advanced, harmonious and high vibrational, existing within 5th dimensional consciousness. Earth is in the process of shifting its vibration and consciousness to resonate more 5th dimensionally, as evidenced by the mind body soul shifts happening during earth’s current ascension, so since the Pleiadeans have already done this, they’re here to guide humanity based on their embodied wisdom.

They too were once a more dense 3rd dimensional world at some point in their evolution, and they were able to heal their separation and unconsciousness on their home worlds to create a thriving, galactic civilization. What makes a civilization “dense” or “low vibrational” is the energetic state of consciousness the civilization is collectively in. In this instance, a dense civilization would be widely unconscious of the interconnectedness of all things and the greater purpose of the physical experience, keeping them locked in denser, more low vibrational fear based experiences, hierarchies, conflict and karmic cycles.

Karmically, the Pleiades are similar to humanity because of their collective past. They too were taken over by the archons, a type of being that resonates with unconsciousness, separation, control and negative states of being. They are commonly referred to as a parasitic force amongst the universe. These parasites infect worlds and disconnect them spiritually, creating a matrix to keep souls trapped and repeating the cycles of Samsara, or the cycles of reincarnation, feeding off the energy of their captives. Archontic beings are negative souls, who are souls that are not connected to source. Souls can orient either positively or negatively, and in the perspective of the divine / source, neither is better than the other, all originate from and are created by source. Negative souls must receive their life force energy from positive souls who are connected to source, so this is why they purposefully enslave groups of positive souls - to never run out of their energetic “food” source.

Negative souls are just disconnected from source while incarnated in a physical experience - meaning they come from and return to source, as all is a part of source energy / god - negative souls just do not have a conscious connection to source while incarnated and receive their life force energy thru others.

The archons are souls who orient negatively, all in divine balance. Your soul, my soul and probably most people you know have a positive soul orientation, meaning we are connected to source while incarnated, we identify with a primary energy center, a sense of individuality and soul level gifts, and we receive our life force energy from our alignment source. Quantum Physics teaches us that all things are connected on an underlying, energetic level, so both negative and positive souls are able to attune to one another and exchange energy and frequencies. However, not all souls receive their life force energy directly from source - only positive souls do.

When we are in alignment with our soul frequency, we receive an abundance of life force energy from source.

This is why when we are doing things we enjoy, we feel “high on life” and like we are tapped into a greater source of energy. This energy is creative energy, and is also known as “loosh.”

personal photo from Earthfest, Lakeland FL April 2022

Chapter 2:

Loosh - Creative Life Force Energy

Loosh is commonly referred to when referencing negative souls, however loosh is not positive or negative - it is energy in its emotional, primal form, that can be both positive (light) or negative (dark) in frequency. It is the energy underlying our attention, focus and creative expression. It is the energy that “feeds” the soul and is channeled during flow states. Loosh is our emotional energy that is used to create, and is channeled through our connection and alignment to source energy.

Loosh is channeled in different ways, through our energy centers. Our energy centers can be explained as the ways in which we channel and express energy in the physical experience. They are the primary qualities of energy that we are designed to express through alignment in our physical incarnations. Every positive soul identifies with a primary energy center, which can be likened to our soul frequency, divine gifts, unique individual qualities and our divine purpose.

When we are expressing energy that is aligned with our primary energy center, we feel “high on life” and connected to all that is. Synchronicity naturally unfolds and we feel guided by something greater than us.

Negative souls on the other hand are not connected to source, and must receive their life force energy from other positive souls or energy sources. This is why we have people who feel like energy vampires, narcissists and evil forces in the universe, who appear to be “sucking the life out of others” or who feel very draining energetically. Negative souls act as a necessary polarity to positive souls, and are intended to live harmoniously in balance with one another, as everything must exist in balance & polarity in order to thrive and expand. We need equal balanced light and dark - these are the principles that make up duality. Beyond duality is oneness, which is the state that all beings originate from and will return to - however, how they walk that journey is up to them.

personal photo from Tampa, FL 2/22/2022

Chapter 3:

The Archons - Who Are They, and What Is Their Role in the Universe at Large…

In the present moment on Earth, darkness and light have moved out of balance due to this dark force - the archons - that I mentioned previously. The archons create “prison planets” on denser 3D planets like Earth during periods of darkness / unconsciousness for the purpose of keeping people unconsciously controlled, so that these negative souls may have an unlimited source of life force energy to feed off of.

You may have heard the term “archon” mentioned in gnostic teachings and ancient mystery school texts. You may have also heard of reptilians, gray aliens or other negative species of E.T.s manipulating or enslaving humanity… These are a few types of archontic beings incarnate, typically referred to as the archons, the watchers, or the gods in many ancient stories.

The reptilians are actually a predominantly negative soul group that come from the constellation Draco, and gray aliens that are involved in many abductions on earth are said to be partially artificial beings that work alongside the reptilian Draconian beings. Reptilians are often mentioned in conspiracy theories, mainly associated with the shadow government and the possibility that politicians are shape shifting reptilians. Although these theories seem crazy, it gets weird when you look into past civilizations, their creation stories, the gods they worshipped, and their reference to reptilian beings - or “the gods” - giving them technology, advanced knowledge and asking them for sacrifices in return for granted wishes / self serving favors. This also correlates to the story of Adam and Eve and the serpent in the bible.

When you look into modern stories of reptilian beings manipulating humanity and feeding off its life force from behind the scenes, things line up quite coincidentally. David Icke has published many books regarding these topics with over 30 years of research and true evidence to back everything up - I highly recommend the book “Human Race, Get Off Your Knees” and “Children of the Matrix”, both by David Icke. His newer book “Perceptions of a Renegade Mind” also goes over these beings, while peeling back the veil for the reader to discover the truth about what is really going on at this pivotal time on planet Earth.

Negative souls will intentionally try to disconnect positive souls from source, to create suffering and prolonged dense low vibrational emotional states, which act as an intoxicating energy source for these archontic beings. Much of their efforts are usually spent destroying other beings’ nature / spirit connection, and thus entrapping them in metaphorical - and sometimes quite literal - prison planets where the majority of beings incarnated become stuck, stagnant, and looping through unconscious consumerist karmic cycles. This throws the universe out of balance - since the universe and everything in all dimensions are continuously moving towards expansion, when things stagnate, they do not continue expanding, they stay stuck right where they are. This is often when “lightworker souls” and “starseeds” come from higher realms and high vibrational worlds to assist in the easing of stagnation and restoring the continued evolution of the stuck world.

When worlds are stuck, they stop progressing spiritually, mentally, technologically… and are often held in place by beings with nefarious, self serving agendas. This is what the archons do - they infest and enslave worlds, to serve their own agendas of control, energy siphoning and manipulation. Their agendas are often rooted in fear and survival - manipulating others to serve the self and to survive.

The archons feed off the loosh of incarnated beings, which acts as a food source for them, since they are negative souls. I think negative souls can also emit loosh, which as I stated is creative, emotional life force energy, but they mainly seek to consume and feed off it - I’m not entirely sure about this however. Archons are typically in a very low state of survival, separation and chaos, seeking to feed off of as much loosh as they can, so as to survive and gain power. Yes negative souls quite literally do need loosh to stay incarnated as a physical being, however the archons are in a very fragmented, parasitic state of consciousness, which causes them to seek out loosh in toxic, manipulative, harmful ways. They seek and consume in excess, which does not honor the abundance principles of this universe.

I also believe the Archons may be linked to the Fallen Angels of the bible and various religious teachings. The tales of these fallen ones reminds me a lot of the Archons, and they share similar names to beings that the supposed elite make sacrifices to in present day black magic rituals. These rituals are one of the tools of the Archons as a means to energetically stifle the majority of humanity and negatively empower the few elite for self serving reasons.

The fallen angels are named after entities from both Christian and Pagan mythology, such as Moloch, Chemosh, Dagon, Belial, Beelzebub and Satan himself.[134] Following the canonical Christian narrative, Satan convinces other angels to live free from the laws of God, thereupon they are cast out of heaven.
— Wikipedia "Fallen Angel"

The fallen angels / archons control the Earthly realm with their heavenly knowledge. They are beings with a vast array of knowledge, which they use to manipulate and enforce their negative will on others. As we know, emotional life force energy aka loosh is food for these beings, and sustains their existence and power over the Earthly realm, so they often invite extreme terror, pain, suffering, confusion and distortion in order to gain powerful amounts of life force energy. Such extreme emotional terror is intoxicating to these beings. These are the beings who lead and perform human & animal sacrifice rituals - which harvest extreme amounts of this energy. Ritual, either in its light expression or dark, is intended to invoke and harvest emotional energy so as to manifest a result on the physical plane.

The Aztecs are well known for their ritualistic human sacrifice as offerings to gods with the goal of restoring cosmological balance...It is alleged that these remains were sacrificed to Tlaloc (and a few to Ehécatl, Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli) in the offerings of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan by the Aztecs of pre-Columbian Mexico. Human sacrifice was an everyday activity in Tenochtitlan... According to Bernardino de Sahagún, the Aztecs believed that, if sacrifices were not given to Tlaloc, the rain would not come and their crops would not grow.
— Wikipedia "Child Sacrifice; Aztec Culture"

During times of unconsciousness, humanity forgets its interconnectedness and its connection to spirit. This is when Archons, posing as “gods”, would come in and demand sacrifices or else they would not survive. These gods had advanced knowledge, advanced technology and often appeared as serpent beings, so it was easy to enslave an ignorant, less evolved humanity.

The Aztec society in present day Mexico underwent its downfall due to Spanish conquest and forced religious ideas - another form of Archontic control. “The Aztec people underwent forced Roman Catholic conversion and everyday practices were outlawed.” as stated on, another way Archontic beings maintain control and power. These beings take many forms, however they often run the show from behind the scenes, mostly operating in the astral realms and playing all sides. Their energy signature is control, manipulation, fear based tactics and force. In the case of the Aztecs here, the Archons were demanding sacrifices through ritual, and demanding conformity through strict control systems. The Archons are the energy behind many of the monarchies, ruling systems and elites on Earth, and have been for 1000s of years, finding any way they can to receive loosh, maintain power & control over Earth & its beings, and be the center of attention even without physically being in view.

Over 200 gods and goddesses have been identified in the Aztec pantheon. These deities possessed immense influence over the Aztec mind, overseeing nearly every element of everyday life and the world.
— "The Cultural Achievements of the Aztecs"

The Archons operate dominantly in the mind, asserting their strength and will over the mental body and its weaknesses.

The mind resonates with 4th dimensional consciousness, and this is the dimension where the Archons have their power. We reach 5th dimensional consciousness when we have a spiritual awakening and become consciously connected to source, and 4D consciousness resonates with the mind and egoic / separation based states of being. Since Archontic beings resonate with evil and are negative souls, they are disconnected from source, so they can only raise their consciousness to upper 4D consciousness - this is the ceiling of their bandwith of consciousness. Positive souls can continue to raise up into 5D and 6D states of consciousness, and this is not available to negative souls or Archons due to the nature of their soul structure and their chosen path. Most negative souls do eventually orientate positively at some point in their journey, as there is only so far you can go on the path of darkness and evil. Eventually, all beings turn towards the light, just as many can also turn away at times.

The realm of the mind is where much of our personal transformation takes place. There are countless teachings on mastering the mind, overcoming negative thought forms, and the power our thoughts have over our vibrational state. When we think negatively over a prolonged period of time, we begin to feel powerless, lost, confused and angry. These states are easily influenced and amplified by Archons, who often deceive and trick beings into serving their selfish motives through cravings, implanted thought forms and harmful chaotic impulse actions. Look into a lot of the stories of serial killers and their mental states if you are interested, almost all of them were hearing voices or thought they were serving some sort of god-like being.

This is why many teachers say you are not your thoughts, and to detach from your thoughts, because they are easily malleable and implantable. If you’re extra curious, look into “voice of god” technology.

“Aztec Sun Stone” from article

Chapter 4:

The Pleiades Connection

Circling back to the Pleiades - this star system was one of these imprisoned star systems in the past, but they were able to elevate out of their own unconsciousness and reconnect themselves to source energy and their spirit within, “breaking out of the matrix” as I would say. So, just like a lot of life coaches guide others out of hardships they themselves overcame in their past, the Pleiadians are here to help guide us through our spiritual awakening process.

As I mentioned, the Pleiades are much like our higher mind, so the more we activate our higher chakras and elevate our vibration, the more we can connect with their energy and live in alignment with our higher self. This is what our spiritual awakening process is for - connecting with our cosmic sisters & brothers and aligning with higher versions of ourself. Our higher self is always there, just like the Pleiades and beings from other systems, we just have to do some attuning and vibrational shifting to experience the connection.

There is also a connection between ancient Earthly civilizations, the Pleiades and cosmic universal cycles of time. The Mayans, Aztecs and many other ancient civilizations knew that on the spring equinox the Pleiades would be aligned with the sun, moon, or other planets, and this had much spiritual significance to these civilizations. This Pleiades-sun alignment may have a direct connection with the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, who was the feathered serpent god that held great knowledge in our ancient past. Remember what I mentioned about serpent gods bringing knowledge and technology to earth and then imprisoning them within a matrix? What happened to all these civilizations who worshipped serpent gods? There were ceremonies dedicated to this Pleiades alignment in many civilizations, could it be that these civilizations connected with the Pleiades in order to shift out of these past control systems and eradicate civilizations built on control, hierarchy, power struggles, imbalance and fear.

The Pleiades were known to the Aztecs as Tianquiztli which means “marketplace.” The Aztecs were excellent observers of the Sun, the moon, and the planets.
Time was measured according to the movements of the stars and those of the Sun. Their calendar was based on cycles of fifty-two years. They watched the Pleiades carefully move in the sky to ensure that the world would not end.
At the end of each cycle, a religious ceremony (“New Fire Ceremony”) would take place to ensure the movement of the cosmos and the rebirth of the sun. Aztecs believed that they could prevent the demons of darkness from descending to Earth and devouring men, by offering to the gods human sacrifices.


During the New Fire Ceremony the Aztecs performed a sacred ritual that involved watching the movement of the stars until midnight. At this time, if the Pleiades had reached the zenith, or highest point in the sky, the world was safe and would continue for another 52 years. Otherwise, demons would come down from the heavens and devour the people.
When the Pleiades crossed the meridian and the life of the world was secure, the priests would perform a human sacrifice.
— Article from

The Archons used fear to convince Humanity of false truths that served selfish negative agendas. They use the mental body against their victims, convincing them to follow their evil ways and cultivate large amounts of loosh for themselves. They convinced humanity these sacrifices were necessary, and if humanity did not obey they took away resources, put the pressure on, and upped their tactics to ensure the fulfillment of their agenda.

All of this information about the Archons and Pleiades-Earth connection comes together to reveal much of our universe’s past that has long been forgotten. Through my soul readings I’ve channelled many past lives, and have seen that Pleiadian energy in its negative, shadow expression is very similar to that of the Archons. This is why I am currently playing with the idea that the Pleiades had an ancient connection with the Archons, one that has left a permanent mark on their civilizations.

photo from Google

Chapter 5:

Pleiades Starseed Lineages

Souls who are either from the Pleiades or who spend much of their time there began journeying to Earth in large numbers during the late 1960s and early 70s, but also incarnated much earlier as well. These souls are often quick to act, very motivated and jump in with 2 feet when they see a new adventure. Many of them heard the call to help planet Earth, much like what Dolores Cannon talks about with the 3 waves of volunteers concept. Many Pleiadian souls began jumping in quickly to incarnations of service, awakening and divine self expression in the density and current matrix of planet Earth.

Pleiadians are visionaries and big picture people, creating first a vision internally before taking action and working to implement. They are a highly mentally-oriented society, which is what made them perfect prey for Archontic beings in the past. Archons prey on weakness, and there were times in our galactic history where Pleiadian societies were weaker, unconscious and filled with hierarchy, which allowed the Archons to easily swoop in and implant their virus there. There are natural energetic cycles in our universe - cycles of light and dark - often called the precession of the equinox or the Yuga cycle. During these darker cycles, unconsciousness prevails, there is an increased association with the mind & ego, and spiritual energy is significantly decreased, giving perfect opportunity for Archontic force and power.

photo from

Golden Ages are times of light, expanded consciousness and spiritual connection, whereas Bronze and Iron Ages (Eisen in above pic) are times of darkness, unconsciousness, and minimal connection to spirit. Silver Ages are period of transition.

The Yuga Cycle doctrine tells us that we are now living in the Kali Yuga; the age of darkness, when moral virtue and mental capabilities reach their lowest point in the cycle. The Indian epic The Mahabharata describes the Kali Yuga as the period when the “World Soul” is Black in hue; only one quarter of virtue remains, which slowly dwindles to zero at the end of the Kali Yuga. Men turn to wickedness; disease, lethargy, anger, natural calamities, anguish and fear of scarcity dominate. Penance, sacrifices and religious observances fall into disuse. All creatures degenerate. Change passes over all things, without exception.
— "The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle" by Bibhu Dev Misra,

Pleiadian souls are very attuned to the cycles of the universe, assisting in big change points and shifts throughout the universe. They are very in tune with improvement and change, and are natural change agents with the ability to motivate others into action. Pleiadians are big communicators and often find themselves in roles of teaching or public speaking, not necessarily on a large scale. Sharing knowledge or assisting others' healing and ascension process is very important to Pleiadians, both incarnated on Earth and on their home worlds, hence why they connect so much with humanity through channeling. They just love to communicate and inspire change in others!

Pleiadian souls enjoy being the center of attention, thriving in the spotlight - not in an overly egotistical way - and gravitating towards leadership or influencer roles. Pleiadian souls like to be seen, and especially heard, and aren’t afraid to attract attention to themself when they’re feeling confident, causing them to be the fun, loud friend at times. A big part of their spiritual gifts is motivating people into action through motivation and sticking their necks out & going first.

This love for change and action causes Pleiadins to want to get to the end result and fast - trying to get to their ultimate goal in a single step, which can create challenges at times. Gradual, interim steps may seem tedious to Pleiadians, and they may try to find ways to skip steps, trying to get right from point A to point C while totally skipping over point B. A big karmic imprint on the collective Pleiadian energy, due to their unconscious past, causes them to seek out a “quick fix” for problems, which works sometimes but rarely, and often they incarnate on dense worlds like Earth to learn about the beauty of patience and consistent, gradual effort. They at times have a quick, motivated, antsy energy, feeling ready to go go go all the time. This energy is what fuels Pleiadian motivation to accomplish things, however if they’re stuck or stagnant this energy can manifest as anxiety, hyperactivity, or paranoia.

Some Pleiadian souls can slip into a bit of manipulation because of this desire to move quickly and skip steps. In their desire to reach their goals, they may sometimes use others as a shortcut or resource to get what they want. They may sometimes stretch stories, elaborate the truth or spin a story in their favor to get what they want. This energy enabled Archontic control in the past, and is imprinted on their soul energy as a reminder to not make the same mistakes again.

stock photo

Chapter 6:

Negative Pleiadian Souls

There is a group of Pleiadian souls who orient negatively and utilize their energy to manipulate others. They inhabit a few of the planets of the Pleiades system, and this shows that even in evolved high vibrational worlds we still need darkness and negativity as a necessary balancing polarity. We cannot fully know the light unless we see and understand the dark. We cannot appreciate the good without the bad. 

These 2 polar opposite worlds co-exist together in the Pleiades while having their space from each other, because they recognize they both are necessary.

Pleiadians are very in tune with the laws of the universe and divine flow, so they don’t seek to overpower one another like negative souls do to positive souls on earth. Although they may butt heads at times, they are aware of the higher purpose of duality and seek to maintain balance, also seeking to help other worlds do the same. They often seek to help others to accept the darkness, appreciate its divine purpose, and bring love to it, as this is the only way to restore harmony and maintain peace. These negative Pleiadian souls often serve as a reminder to remember that we can all work together, and we don’t need to use force to get our way - we can work with and appreciate others in a compassionate way, and we can always ask for help rather than making people do things for us.

Negative Pleiadian souls on Earth can sometimes be master manipulators, incarnating as powerful high priest/ priestesses, secret society or cult leaders. Both positive and negative Pleiadian souls often follow magical paths like Wicca, Paganism and other rites of passage that invoke the magical arts. They are very drawn to ritual, and are masters of willpower - both positively and negatively expressed will. These roles are ways they can direct powerful, willed change in their environment and manipulate others in a way that spiritually advances them. Pleiadians on Earth are all about expanding consciousness through community, magical power, inspiring change, higher spiritual energy and evolving out of the primitive human qualities of survival and fear. Since negative souls must get their life force energy from positive souls, many negative Pleiadian souls are drawn to this cult / coven forming method as one way they can receive energy in a way that is aligned with their integrity of conscious change, spirituality, community and magic - since magic and spirituality are both light and dark, positive and negative souls interact with it in their own ways.

Most Pleiadians, both positive and negative souls, don’t bother themselves with the energies of government and the systems controlling Earth on a large scale, (matrix control systems as I call them) because many of the souls in place in government and high positions of power are very unconscious or even evil, and these souls don’t seek to ascend or elevate themselves. These beings are the ones who are behind the new world order you may hear about, and the ones who have been leading humanity to merge with AI. They are the archons I already mentioned - and they are different from negative Pleiadian souls. Even negative Pleiadian souls do not mess with Archons, and they often trigger each other due to their similarities.

Pleiadians of all soul types also never forget what they endured under the reign of the Archons in the past, so they help eradicate and defend against Archontic influence whenever possible.

Although negative Pleiadian souls are master manipulators and magicians, they don’t seek to do to humanity what was done to their soul group in the past by these Archons. They don’t want to help the Archontic force enslave souls in the same way that was done to them, they aren’t after world domination, and they don’t resonate much with AI or technology or evil, so these Pleiadians would rather practice magic, lead covens of witches or share knowledge with others behind the scenes.

personal photo from Woburn, MA Fall 2023

Chapter 7:


Thank you for diving deep into these topics with me! I hope you learned something new today, and as always, take what resonates and leave what does not.

Much love and namaste,

Sara Murray


attention // information // discernment - how can we learn how to trust in these crazy times?


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