Revelations, The thinning of the veil, and the 3d/5d split…

September 8th 2024

personal photo, 8/12/24

As we enter the fall season on the Northern Hemisphere, the veil is starting to thin - we are already seeing this reflected externally in profound ways as well, as the veil is removed and we are faced with the truth of our own slice of reality. So many truths coming to light, so many spirits, guides and ancestors have been calling upon us, eager with messages to share to help us on our own personal path to the Light.

We are a collective humanity, each on our own individual paths but all interconnected at our core, so what one being does ultimately affects us all in some way. So many souls have been courageously treading off the beaten path, stepping off the hamster wheel we were born into, and realizing we have a choice about who we want to be & what we want to spend our time doing in this realm.

photo from facebook, unknown origin

For generations our consciousness has been largely isolated in the mind, keeping us limited and swirling around endless illusions, power struggles and control mechanisms that feed our separate state of consciousness, that keep us locked in battle with our perceived adversaries, with ourselves. As many of us realize we are not separate from all life - we are connected to it all, and a part of the grand picture - we become ready to step into new states of awareness, heightened sensitivities and psychic abilities that have layed dormant within us for centuries. We are ready to re-join all life, and contribute our own unique authentic essence to the grand picture of the universe.

We are letting go, and feeling more free as a result. Letting go of the programming, the constricting beliefs imprinted upon us to keep us small, weak, afraid and confused about our place in the universe, and freeing up energetic space within our beings so as to receive the coding and blueprint of a New Earth being born through us all. We are ready, we have freed ourselves from fear & conditioning enough to grasp the Vine of Change with love and grace.

photo from @thehighpriestess11 on instagram

We are stepping into a co-creatorship, a collaboration with Mother Earth, Spirit, the Ancestors, and our own Soul in order to be who we’ve forgotten we could be for a long time.

You can just be you, nothing else and nothing more - you can just be yourself, you don’t have to be afraid anymore.

photo from @ashmi.path on instagram

Many years have gone by, the soul laying dormant, waiting, watching it all as it unfolds, preparing for the time of prophecy when humanity will awaken once again, and remember who they are. We are letting go of the stories, meanings and wounds that have served their purpose thus far in our lives, as it is time to step into a new frequency, and rise to be fully, authentically human.

As we enter the coming months, many of our fellow brothers and sisters will be shaken awake, violently, from the dream they have been asleep in for generations. The Lightworker Souls, the Starseeds, the Old Souls, Mystics, Healers and Divine Channels have been preparing for this mass awakening point for years now, awakening first to guide the masses towards truth, authenticity and Divine Love, ensuring we don’t fall further into fear traps and realities that keep us swirling in our own suffering for some time. 2027 is a year highlighted by many wisdom keepers of our current age, and has been forseen as a mass shift point where the frequencies of Earth will rise significantly, further solidifying the split that is unfolding right now.

We have been within a period of Revelation for some time now - a great revealing, a lifting of the veil of reality that has been placed over us by the Archons for a long time. It is no coincidence there is a massive uptick in this great revealing as we enter the fall of 2024 - the time when the veil naturally thins between this world and the realms of Spirit and beyond.

Humanity has more access to the higher and lower realms at this time, culminating on Halloween or Samhain when the veil is thinnest. Spirit communication, and “spirit spookin” will be prominent from now until then - Spirits of the lower realms will do their work to keep humans in fear, diminished and psychically attacked, and many open channels will be able to open to the higher realms to receive channeled messages and insights into next steps, important points of contact and events to come.

This fall is taking on a very “prophetic” vibe - and many who had no idea they were mediums, channels, or connected to soul lineages in other star systems until now, anchoring great excitement and anxiety as these new gifts come online & are activated. I remember when my gifts were activated - it was both scary, and exciting, and it took many years for them to be integrated.

Your sensitivities are your superpowers, please remember this.

from @issyliving on instagram

Those who choose the 3D timeline will experience intense fear, agitation and constriction as these lower astral beings torment and tempt them, pulling them in this direction and that, trying to keep them distracted from connecting with their own essence or Higher Self wisdom.

Many who choose the 5D timeline will enter a time of rapid expansion, much like a “rug ripped out from under you” kind of vibe as they journey into unknown realms, activate their dormant spiritual DNA and thus experience what it means to be a co creator with all life.

This 3D / 5D split has been prophecised and spoken about as a time when humans will choose which reality they want to uphold and be present in.

5D is often called the “New Earth” frequency,

and 3D is called the “New World Order” frequency.

photo from facebook

You may have heard both of these realities spoken about over the years, especially since consciousness began to rapidly raise in 2012, 2016, 2017 & 2018. I have seen there have been mass awakening points, in which many soul groups are awakened around the same time in a bit of a wave, much like the 3 waves of volunteers Dolores Cannon speaks about. I believe that since 2012 these waves of awakening have been getting closer together, being more spread out in the past. Each year new groups of souls are waking up from the dream, their illusions shattered and ego fighting for some sort of safety, consistency and reason why this is all unfolding.

Why have we been lied to for centuries?

Why have we been purposefully misled, poisoned, and pinned against each other for generations?

Why have we been enslaved by a matrix, who’s only purpose has been to stifle our creativity, shut off our spiritual essence and keep us disconnected from the truth of who we are?


As we enter the deep uncertainty that lies ahead, many who appeared deeply asleep in the matrix will begin questioning the things they are being presented with. Those who have already been awake for some time will be tasked with holding the frequency, holding the frame that everything is, and will be okay as we move beyond our limitations and join the collaborative effort of life on Planet Earth.

Awakening is no easy game - and many may try to find an “off switch” as they navigate intense fear stemming from the realization that everything is uncertain and nothing is really in our full control. There are higher powers moving through everything and everyone, imbued with love and creator substance. Everything is energy, nothing is really separate from us.

Here’s to traversing unknown waters, deep and filled with mysterious wonder. Curiosity will be our greatest ally in the future, so its best we start to employ a curious mind now to prepare for what is to come.

This is a very forward - based article, very focused on the future and setting ourselves up for success in new endeavors. I invite all of you reading this to spend time in quiet contemplation, really taking in the stimuli and substance that is within your present Earthly reality. Disentangle yourself from what you have been told, and who you have been - Let Go, fully and fiercly, of the versions of yourself that you’ve been told you have to be. The Hustler, The Champion, The Good Girl, The Nice Guy, The Loser, The Weird One - Let these identities go, wipe the slate clean and see what magic shows up on your doorstep to surprise you.

Great wonder and joy await us throughout this massive tidal wave of change… will we enter into the uncertainty to get a taste of how great life can really be?

Will we embrace what it means to be alive, or will we remain asleep at the wheel?

It’s time to get into the driver’s seat, and drive - will you answer the call?

Have faith. Have courage. Know & Feel in your heart that you are not alone, you are so supported by energies and beings far beyond this realm.

We’ve got this.

personal photo 9/6/24

Much Love <3

Sara Murray


A Message to my people…

