Mintakan Starseed Lineages - history, origins & common traits


The seas of transparency, high vibrational love, natural order, and ecstatic bliss.

By Sara Murray // July 2024

This article includes excerpts from research on the Orion’s Belt constellation, as well as parts from dozens of Mintakan Soul Readings and information from the Soul Realignment Certification Program.

The Mintakan Soul lineage is one my soul is very familiar with, and I have found that over 85% of the souls I’ve read for have had some connections to Mintaka, a star located in Orion’s Belt. Unfortunately Mintakan worlds are no longer inhabitable, so there are many Mintakan souls incarnated on Earth at this time. We will begin by going over Mintaka’s location in the night sky, some interesting Earthly / Mintakan connections thru sacred sites, then we will get into starseed lineage stories as well as channeled insights into this beautiful past civilization from Soul Readings I’ve done.

I hope you enjoy this deep, cosmic dive down a beautiful, aquatic rabbit hole ~ much love!

Mintaka - Ancient belt star

Mintaka is located in Orion's Belt, a well known constellation often recognized in the night sky. The Orion constellation contains many stars, however we are mainly focusing on the Belt stars, which contains 3. Mintaka is one of the outermost stars in the Orion’s Belt constellation, with Alnitak and Alnilam being the 2 other stars that make up the Belt.

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This constellation is located near the brightest star in the sky Sirius, as well as many other high vibrational worlds that Starseed souls originate from. Many Mintakan souls recognize Orion’s Belt easily in the night sky, looking up and quickly noticing it even if they aren’t looking for it. Many also have said they feel a strange connection to the belt stars ~ feeling homesick, longing to return, or feeling activated when they gaze upon it in the sky.

image from google

“The High Vibe Tribe Part of the Sky”

Mintaka is located close in vicinity to Sirius, the Pleiades, Nihal and Procyan star systems - all worlds where starseeds journey to Earth from.

These worlds all share common characteristics ~ being deeply integrated with the natural world and its abundant systems, living in almost utopian societies, and in higher vibrational states of consciousness. They lived with remembrance and honor of their soul history, and with an innate knowing of their individual purpose, their soul’s path home to the whole, to source.

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Mintaka - Earth Connection

Something that has always fascinated me is the connection between Orion’s Belt and many sacred sites across the planet. It could be that these sacred sites connect to various star systems in order to anchor the energies, wisdom codes, or establosh connection to higher dimensional beings and worlds through these “stargates”. They are not necessarily physical stargates which people teleport through - although maybe one day they will be - but now, I believe these sites help activate our ancient soul memories, connect us with our star lineages and groups of higher dimensional beings, and can catalyze awakenings within our DNA when attuned to.

Even just researching these sacred sites, their geometrical layouts, and their connections to the stars can expand our consciousness and awaken spiritual aspects of us that have layed dormant for lifetimes.

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Indigenous Tales of Fish Gods

Mintaka was a high vibrational society that lived mostly underwater, with the incarnated beings having semi-aquatic forms. Mintakans were mermaid beings that could travel on land but lived mostly in the water, being able to come up to the surface for short times.

They breathe air, and therefore need to come up to breathe regularly like dolphins. I often wonder if dolphins on Earth have some sort of connection with Mintaka. Most of the beings were more human-like, however there were beings that lived in the depths of the water of the planet who survived off the water and never came up to the surface.

The myths of the Dogon tribe of Mali, West Africa and other indigenous tribes & cultures all over the world have spoken about beings with fish tails and human heads that came from the stars, primarily from the star Sirius and Orion’s Belt, who taught the natives and brought great tools & technology. These “gods” or beings from the stars brought great advancements to humanity many times, across many different time periods.

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Many indigenous cultures speak of dolphin, serpent, fish beings with human heads, who swam in the sea but breathed air and brought valuable teachings… interesting!

The seas of Mintaka

Mintaka was a beautiful world, full of visually pleasing landscapes and artistic creations that were very admirable. The beings there most valued aesthetics, creativity and all kinds of arts, with beautiful temple spaces and gathering halls built with elegant architecture. Elegance was sacred to Mintakans, and many of them seek to express & experience it in any way they can in their Earthly life.

Mintakans also have a deep reverence for the land, for sacred space and blesses, high vibrational lands. In Earthly life, many of these souls are drawn to working with the land in a variety of spiritual, soulful ways… whether its through ritual, daily practice, holding ceremonies or intentionally connecting with various sacred sites around the globe ~ an example of this soul work could be the “Ancient Stones Oracle Deck” by Rebecca Campbell, who is a Mintakan starseed from what I’ve heard. Each card in this oracle deck holds a deep reverence for the sacred lands of planet Earth, and activate various energies when worked with. They can be very healing, grounding and activating!

I highly recommend checking out any of Rebecca Campbell’s work if you resonate with being a starseed - she has many books, oracle decks and youtube videos out currently!

Structures of Elegance & Grace

With a strong focus on beautiful, lasting structures, Mintaka had beautiful temples, sacred lands, and community spaces that were highly revered by it’s people. When I journey to Mintaka consciously in meditation, I see these beautiful, elegant stone towers that started under the water with the tops of the towers sticking out into the air, with grand balconies, flowers and natural life overflowing. Mintaka reminds me a lot of Hawaii, Indonesia and Caribbean type vibes, with a touch of greek and oriental architecture.

Some pop culture references - The above scene reminds me most of the planet Naboo in the Star Wars movies, if you’ve seen them.

image from google ~ Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace

image from google ~ Star Wars Naboo Planet

Mintaka as a world did not resonate with competition or hierarchy, because these qualities did not resonate with their soul blueprints or the ways in which this world functioned organically. They were very peace loving, balanced, highly conscious, and naturally averse to conflict, drama or negative confrontation.

One thing Mintakan souls struggle with most on planet Earth is the amount of isolation and community disconnection at this time. They are very community oriented, and love to gather together for grand balls, dances, ceremonies and celebrations quite often throughout the year. Mintakan souls seriously thrive being a part of a friend group or close knit community, and when they have to “go it alone,” they manifest health problems, anxiety and/or depression. Many Mintakan souls I’ve met are very drawn to rave culture, festivals and various psychedelic and plant medicine cultures who thrive on shared ecstatic states of being.

Harmonious Living in Divine Order

Mintakans transcended hierarchy, and saw themselves as no better than animal life - they saw themselves as interconnected to all life, and holding the same energy as all beings, just in a different form. They were very gracious with their interactions, even with nefarious beings from other worlds. They naturally see the light in others, as of their primary gifts, seeing even the tiniest spark of light in all beings, even negative souls.

Mintakans lived in harmony with the lush plant life and animal beings of their homeworld. They did not believe in harming beings of any kind, although I have seen in my visions that they hunt certain sacred fish periodically, with intention and in a ceremonial way. They regarded all beings as sacred and valuable to the whole, and saw all of life in a synergistic, symbiotic relationship. They were similar to Native American cultures and island indigenous tribes on Earth currently.

Many Mintakan souls resonate with being vegan or eating a lighter, whole food, close to source diet - almost 80% of Mintakan souls I’ve read for are either vegan, were vegan for some time, or are considering transitioning into veganism, but these different diets can also come and go. Some Mintakan souls eat very lightly, small meals a few times a day, receiving more of their life force energy from their purposeful work and actions throughout their day. Some Mintakans don’t eat a whole lot of “Earth food” at certain points in their life journey due to its toxicity and density, but I’ve also met many Mintakan souls who are foodies and love trying all sorts of delicious foods and diets.

As a society, Mintakans did not make conscious negative choices, and have a hard time with the amount of willful negativity on planet Earth at this time. Choices to go to war, lie, cheat, hurt others and sneaky actions do not make sense to Mintakan souls, and they often view the world through rose colored glasses.

This is another gift they bring to Earth at this time through their powerful heart centers - unconditional love, forgiveness, acceptance and seeing the positive potential in all beings.

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Thank you for reading this taste of Mintakan culture & energy!

I am grateful to have the opportunity to share this valuable information with you at this time of global awakening and transition. We are all starting to remember who we are, and a big part of that for many of us is retrieving lost soul memories and connecting to star lineages that help us be our fullest, natural, authentic self.

If you wish to book a soul reading with me to discover more about your soul’s origins, star lineages and soul blueprint within the Akashic Records, click the Soul Reading tab :-)

image from google ~ from Rebecca Campbell’s starseed deck

I wish you well on this multidimensional journey we call life - and as we rediscover what it means to be human, never forget to dream and wonder about your connection to the stars.


Much love and Namaste,

Sara Murray



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