The Seeker and The Guru

A story detailing the pitfalls of seeking guidance externally, abusing positions of power and influence, and the power of forgiveness ~ inspired by a past life in a client Akashic Records reading.

By Sara Murray

October 21st 2024

This is the tale of the seeker and the guru, inspired by a client’s past life experience from an Akashic Records reading in 2022.

image from client soul realignment reading - October 3rd 2022

The Seeker and the Guru

Tales of seeking, Transcendence and Forgiveness

The seeker awakened young, and kept it to herself, but everything changed when she found her guru - a teacher in her community who recognized her power, sensed her psychic energy, and helped her navigate her awakening in the beginning…

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Chapter 1: Discovery

The seeker, named Agatha, was a young girl with long red hair and pale skin, just shy of 20, who lived her life confused, hurt and outcast from those she considered “normal.” She was deeply misunderstood, judged and misinterpreted by those around her, especially her family and towns folk. She always appeared to be unsettled - often manifesting strange illnesses, almost always appearing sickly, unwell and agitated to others.

One day, while walking thru town center, she bumped into a guru - an older woman with a young heart, appearing skinny, serpentine, and intricate, yet subtly mysterious and emanating a strange energy in her aura. The seeker could sense “vibes” quite easily - the energy in auras, unexpressed emotional turmoil and unspoken thoughts trapped within others - and the vibes from this woman were unlike anything she had encountered in her small village market before.

The older woman had tripped, stumbled over something and spilled her basket of goods - and was gathering her items with a slight, subtle “sigh” of disappointment in her own clumsiness. She was better than this, and she knew it. The seeker resonated with this energy, seeing a reflection of herself in this woman. It was strange, interesting and familiar. Who was this person? Why hadn’t they met before?

The seeker intuitively went over to the woman and helped her gather her belongings - and as soon as the woman felt the energy of the seeker, she fell back on her bottom with her breath taken away. The woman had never felt such a strong, intense, subtly powerful aura before… and she was quite literally “breath taken” - gasping for breath, lost for words, and in awe of the presence of this shy, yet courageous young girl.

“I’m Agatha - I see you’ve taken a tumble, and I’d like to help you gather your things if it isn’t much trouble”.

“She rhymes her words - who is this child?” thought the woman, who sat speechless, her mouth hanging open a bit…

The young seeker Agatha began gathering the woman’s things, laughing a little bit at her state of shock and speechless expression.

The woman was gathering herbs, ritual items and peppers - commonly used for protection spells and rituals for empowerment, as young Agatha had learned recently in her studies of divination. “She collects herbs, she’s buying peppers… she must practice spell work… who is this woman?” Agatha thought.

The 2 women gazed at one another, and felt a strange, yet strong connection to one another that neither of them quite understood. The young girl was playful and inspiring in her essence… yet naive, and the woman was wise, seasoned and aged thru her short lived yet complex life experiences. The woman looked 60, with the face of a 20 year old, but was really just shy of 50, or 45… she had lost count years ago.

“I am Cathy” said the guru - an interesting name, one that hadn’t been heard by the seeker Agatha before. It sounded ancient, yet futuristic. “Cathy. Interesting. Sounds fun, enticing” thought the seeker.

Agatha felt a familiar feeling towards the woman, like they had met before… but when? How? The seeker had an amazing memory, and never forgot a face… so where did she know this woman from? Why couldn’t she remember their meeting before?

The woman had long, white hair, something that set her apart from all other women her age. She was wise beyond her years, communing with the spirits of nature and being deeply in tune with the land. Animals were drawn to her, but humans shied away from her… fearing her, misunderstanding her magic and spiritual presence, projecting distrust at her different, authentic expression. She was just different, not scary - Agatha felt this, and saw a lot of herself in the woman Cathy.

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It turns out, the woman was the owner of the herb shop they were in, and Cathy was putting out new stock when a gust of wind swept her off her feet and took her breath away, out of nowhere. This occurred moments before Agatha entered the shop, and is where Agatha found her. Cathy thanked the young girl, and invited her over for stew and beans after shop closing to thank her for her assistance, to which the young girl kindly but hesitantly accepted. There was something about this woman that Agatha couldn’t quite put her finger on, but she ignored it for the time being, following her curiosity over anything else.

The 2 women walked the path back to the woman’s home, where Agatha discovered Cathy to be a bit of a mystic, a seasoned seeker herself… a guru, possibly. Agatha the seeker loved hearing the woman talk, and resonated with her perspectives, stories and teachings. The woman loved to share her wisdom - but nobody in town gave her the time of day, too heavily influenced by the church and colonization of the area.

They spent the whole evening together talking, laughing, sharing stories and intentions. They had a lot in common, which freaked the both of them out but at the same time was healing and reassuring that they were not alone and were not crazy in this strange world. They shared many multidimensional experiences together, and were drawn closer together through a series of synchronicities that connected them at a soul level.

The woman Cathy became like a guru for the young seeker as their relationship deepened - answering the young girl’s questions, providing advice and insights that truly helped both of them immensely. Agatha saw Cathy as a mother figure and as a teacher, which filled a void within the young seeker because Agatha’s mother was distant, unavailable, and a drunk, and due to their family’s poverty status Agatha had to work the homestead to care for her siblings and mother, unable to go to school or pursue anything she truly wanted.

Agatha’s family was deeply rooted in survival, ever since the death of her father years ago due to strange illness, something common in those days. Strange flare ups of random diseases were common for Agatha and her father. She often feared death after her father’s passing, since she too was always manifesting illness and disease. This caused Agatha to keep herself in a box, in a very limited yet safe & familiar lifestyle that didn’t arouse the fears of death, loneliness and abandonment she felt within. The woman Cathy sensed this, and found resemblance in her own life - her mother had passed away years ago but was also a drunk, but was very physically abusive & violent, unlike Agatha’s mother who was only verbally toxic, and couldn’t physically hurt a fly.

Together, the women expanded and dove deep into the realms of consciousness, self mastery, magic, ritual and their pasts. They told more stories, and felt like they knew each other for many lifetimes.

Agatha eventually retired home in the early hours of the next morning, but was forever changed after this divinely orchestrated meeting. The woman quickly became the Guru, and the young girl became the Seeker… a match made in heaven, a divine union rooted in balance, service and assistance to mastery.

The seeker and the guru spent years alone before meeting each other, and were truly grateful to connect with one another to share in their practices, opinions and viewpoints on life & human existence. They were good for each other, in the beginning.

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Chapter 2: Progression

As she progressed on her path, the seeker Agatha put much faith into this guru. Cathy was a woman with very masculine energy, yet anchored in her feminine presence, causing this woman to be dominating, strong, powerful, assertive, yet attractive, sensual, enticing and free - all qualities the seeker so desired to embody. Cathy the guru became a mentor for the seeker, sort of accidentally, as the seeker was naturally drawn to the guru’s authentic, powerful presence.

The guru didn’t bullshit her. The guru was blunt, strong with her words, powerful in her essence. This fascinated, and drew in Agatha, who was very different from the rest of her family - a black sheep, a sensitive old soul.

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Agatha was intuitive, sensitive, psychic, and often sickly and weak due to her family’s poverty status and heightened sensitivities. She would often sneak off to spend time with the guru in the beginning, and would tell her family she was going out walking, but she was really going to spend time with Cathy. The guru was a bit of a witch, mystic and sorceress, wielding the powerful energies of the universe in alchemy and harmony. She was free. She was sovereign, and very humble but authentic in her presence. She was real, blunt, told it like it was, and was honest.

The guru’s intentions were pure, especially in the beginning. But there was always something about her, a vengeful, fearful energy the seeker could sense in the guru. Something was unresolved deep within her guru, who she deeply revered and even loved as her own family. The seeker could sense something was off, or fragmented within this person who acted so strong, confident and all powerful.

Agatha trusted her guru Cathy so much that she opened up to her guru about deep fears, desires, wishes, regrets, wounds and ailments. She was transparent with her guru, as the guru was with the seeker to an extent. There was a special bond, a respect and trust between the 2. Neither felt they belonged to a family, and they developed their own kind of family bond. They had similar childhoods, walked similar paths early on.

Agatha desired healing from her guru most of all, healing of her many ailments and “spiritual sicknesses” she suffered in her Earthly life. Her guru had perfect health, and Agatha actually had no idea how old Cathy was, due to her immaculate health & young face yet the contrast of her aged body & long, snow white hair.

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The main difference between the 2 women was their tolerance of pain - Agatha suffered a lot in her life, experiencing pain & discomfort often in her strange sicknesses. This taught Agatha a lot about pain, pain tolerance and navigating discomfort. Watching her father battle illness gave her fear, but also gave her strength & perseverance to succeed and overcome whatever was arising on her path.

Although Agatha didn’t realize it, she was incredibly strong and able to navigate her pain with higher consciousness, always recognizing there was a reason why she was feeling what she was, even if she didn’t know the reason right away. She could sit with her suffering, honor it and embrace it, but she still wanted to be free from it, transcending it once and for all. Physical pain strengthens you, but can also fragment you, depending on perspective, tolerance and emotional maturity.

When the guru was hurt, she took her pain and let it harden her, separate her from her family, and repressed the emotional turmoil that arouse as a result. Cathy let her pain drive her into exile, where she awakened to the true magic of her reality and began wielding it in her favor.

She practiced magic, developed rituals, tuned into spirits, gods, demons, angels. She was a student of life, awaiting the next magical unfolding. She would cast many spells, and became very good at it. She was revered, yet feared all throughout her local area, for her power was seen and felt as time went on & as she developed her practice. She opened an herbal shop, and set down her roots where she would live out her days. This is where the seeker and the guru met.

The seeker and the guru both held past hurts within them, which affected the seeker differently than the guru - these pains made Agatha soft, she took her pain and allowed it to open her, so much so that she could feel what others were feeling. It gave her empathy, and compassion. Agatha was very open energetically - and allowed everything to flow through her, so much so that it would create rifts, blocks, dams in her flow of energy, manifesting a lot of sickness in her younger life.

This openness is often referred to as empathy, psychic abilities, witchcraft and mysticism, and flowed strongly through the hyper sensitive seeker. This created a lot of fears, anxieties, and near death experiences for the seeker, especially as a kid. She awakened to the same energies as the guru, just in a different way, at a different pace.

Chapter 3: Strength, Healing and Illusion

At first, the guru taught the seeker what she needed to know, but would dodge questions about health, physical body healing, longevity, and heightened sensitivity, which then led to an interesting energy dynamic at times between Cathy and Agatha.

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The seeker began to come into her power, becoming noticeable and recognizable for her heightened energy field. The town folks recognized a shift in the seeker - she became more kind hearted, transparent and real in her relations. She became even more compassionate, and empathic - which in turn also made her more sick, and more sensitive to these strange ailments she was manifesting. Agatha was learning so much, yet she was concerned because her sickness was getting worse.

She became authentic and present in her interactions with others - the people around her could feel this, could sense her coming into her power in a positive way. The seeker began learning about her powers, and was channeling it into healing others - naturally, accidentally, and spontaneously helping others heal and heighten their vibration wherever she went. She was becoming known as a miracle worker, and healer, yet she could not perform miracles on her own health, causing the internal fear of meeting the same fate as her father to grow stronger…

Agatha transmitted love, light and truth in whatever environment she entered, and was an advocate for the less fortunate in situations of abuse and deception. She was becoming her own kind of guru, as others began to look up to her, revere & honor her skills, and ask for her help. Others began following her, bowing to her in respect, and asking her for teachings. This ignited the spirit of service within the seeker - Agatha began spending a lot of time traveling thru town, just seeing what opportunities the Great Spirit would bring her way that day.

This confused the guru Cathy, who chose to keep her talents & abilities to herself over sharing them in service to others, out of fear of being disrespected and taken advantage of. Cathy was abused, hurt and ridiculed in her past, much like Agatha - but the ridicule and mockery deeply affected Cathy, and unlike Agatha, it caused Cathy to lock these emotions away and exile herself. Cathy came into her power overtime - but the self imposed exile and fear of ridicule was fueling an emotional turmoil within Cathy that Agatha could sense.

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When the seeker began getting stronger within herself, wielding her own energy, testing her power, casting her own successful spells, becoming spiritually independent… the guru grew more frightful. Cathy knew one day the seeker would not need her, and began subtly manipulating her, misleading her, so Agatha never had to leave the grasp of the guru, and always had to rely on her.

The guru implanted her own fears and insecurities within the seeker, not intending to hurt her… but trying to hold on to her, and keeping the seeker within what was familiar to the guru. Cathy knew that Agatha desired healing more than anything - but dodged the question and avoided teaching her about physical body healing and miracle work, because if Agatha was healed, she feared she would leave her.

The guru Cathy knew the deepest fears of the seeker - her deepest worries, her unresolved emotional pains, her traumas… and the guru used those to keep the seeker reliant on her. To keep Agatha around. To feel useful and purposeful. The guru deceived her, fed her mind with things that worked up logic and reasonable thinking but closed off her heart. Meaning - the guru fed the seeker many stories that were illusory in nature. They were false, fake, intentionally designed to mislead her, to keep her around and stuck where she was.

The guru feared losing the seeker, feared isolation and disconnection from others - even though she chose to isolate herself in the first place. This is one reason why it is key for individuals to further awaken and open their hearts, because everything that resonates true to your soul, you will feel in your heart, and it will feel loving, open and true in nature. You cannot be deceived as easily with an open heart.

Chapter 4: Awakening

One day, as the seeker was heading into town in the early morning as she always did, she was stopped in her tracks by an unusual, yet mystical experience. A swarm of sparrows, small birds she commonly connected with and honored as a spirit totem in her personal rituals, had swarmed around her, knocking her to her feet before flying away into the sky. They didn’t hurt Agatha, but deeply unsettled and confused her, as it felt somewhat like an attack… but at the same time, this incident felt like a warning sign of some kind. What could it be?

Agatha’s intuition guided her over to a nearby tree, so she could collect herself and reflect on what just happened with the sparrows. She leaned back against the tree for support, and began to feel dizzy, light headed, and like a chord of energy had connected to the crown of her head - in that instant her consciousness was transported out of her body, and she was floating above her chosen human avatar in spirit form.

She began to feel intense fear, for just a moment, but then it was washed away suddenly into feelings of intense unconditional love and bliss. She was brought higher, away from her body, and into an unknown, unseen realm of nothingness - into the void, or the lower astral realm. She had studied these realms before, so she released what fear she had left and allowed the experience to unfold, as it was clearly being guided by a higher force.

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In this unfamiliar realm, Agatha was brought in front of a spirit guide, who appeared to her as a giant owl - a figure that has come to her many times in her dreams, and who serves as a symbol of protective higher wisdom and guidance for her.

She greeted the owl with respect, and quickly asked what she was doing here, and why the sparrows swarmed her so suddenly.

The owl replied - “come with me, child, there is much for you to learn. It is time you see the truth of the situation.”

What situation?” Agatha thought, and to her surprise the owl could hear her thoughts with crisp clarity, as if she had spoken aloud. This spooked Agatha, but at the same time reassured her that full transparency could be present between herself and this spirit guide if her thoughts are able to be witnessed with clarity and ease.

The owl motioned it’s left wing towards a closed door that was beginning to open - “it is your choice, and only yours alone, if you choose to walk through the door of Truth” the owl said, or thought, who knows at this point… but Agatha was curious, as she always was, and a felt sense of significance and power was present as she decided to walk through the door before her.

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Chapter 5: Through the Door - The Realm of Remembering & The Realm of Souls

What she found on the other side were a series of memories - some painful, some joyful, some repressed for what felt like decades, although she had only been alive for 2. She had entered the Realm of Remembering - the Akashic field, which is an energetic storehouse of all that is, was and ever will be in the entire universe. The Akashic Records hold a record of all past lives and all choices we will ever make in our lives, beyond linear time and the physical realms of incarnation and experience.

She was being shown a highlight real of her current life, then was taken into a past life where she was a doctor in a war time society with thick, long black hair. She was doing medicine work on a wounded soldier when a bomb was dropped directly next to her - then, she was transported into another life. Then another. And another - until finally, she entered a different realm… the Realm of Souls.

This is the spout of energy, the field of infinite possibility and light, where souls come from and return to in between incarnations to recharge and reset. She saw orbs of light moving all around her, some tickling her, some recharging her and some filling her with a love and wonder she has never felt in her body, but that felt familiar in some strange way.

At this point, the owl being returned, but this time in a human form, looking very much like her mother. She asked “who are you?” and the being replied “I am you - I am the highest version of you, the ‘higher self’ as you call in your present incarnation. I am everything, everywhere, all at once - I am your infinite potential, the spark of knowing within every cell of your being, the Truth of why you came into this body during this time. I have come to remind you that I am you, but that I am beyond the little ‘you’ that you identify with at this time in your soul’s evolution. There is much beyond this small, limited ‘you’ that you cling to, and I am here to remind you of this.”

What is that supposed to mean” Agatha uttered under her breath - was she breathing? Was she alive, or dead? Did she even just speak or did she think that?

The spirit guide reminded her of how she felt just before her father died, the feelings of possibility, determination and perseverance that rushed through her as she clung to the only person she ever truly connected with in her young life. She was shown the moment her father left his body, and was transported to another realm, where she was face to face with her father, for the first time in what felt like forever.

Tears exploded out of her spirit body, flooding the room, transporting the both of them to another realm, one of light and water, where her and her father were sitting on a boat.

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“I am always with you, my dear Agatha” her father spoke as he wiped the hair from her face. “Never fear my dear - you still have much to learn, but this life does not have to be a chore. It was not intended to be this hard, forever. See, everything happens for a reason my child, and in divine timing - and if you had not suffered, if you had not felt the extent of pain that you felt, if you had not felt such feelings of isolation, dread and confusion… you never could have healed all those people, touched all the souls you have touched so far in your life, you never could have become who you are becoming without your pain and many life challenges. It was all designed for you, by you, for a very special purpose. You are here for a special purpose, Agatha. You are here to help people, and that is such a noble choice, such a divine cause to lead you through your life.”

“But why am I in so much pain - how can I heal and help others, if I cannot help myself?” Agatha replied, a bit sternly yet honestly, as it is something she questions every single day.

“The depth to which you can feel pain, and transform it into something lighter, stronger, more potent and powerful, is the depth to which you can empathize with others, and help them transform their pain into purpose. This is the path of the wounded healer, and is the path laid out before you.”

He then took her into both of his arms, looked deeply into her eyes, into her soul, and said this:

“You are faced with a crossroads, my dear one. You may choose to leave this body behind, and join me in the spirit realms, where we will prepare you for another incarnation.” In that moment, feelings of awe, possibility and excitement arouse within Agatha, as the thought of being with her father again was one that filled her with immense joy and desire.

“Or…” her father continued “you can go back to your body, fully healed and with memories of this experience, and continue on this path laid out before you. It will not be easy at times, but it will always be worth it, because at the end of each day you will be filled with such love, such purpose and such gratitude, you will be changing lives and saving people, just like you have done in many lives. You will feel so full, that you will appreciate every moment that comes your way, and know it was brought to you for a special reason. The choice is yours and yours alone, Agatha.”

In that moment, she was filled with confusion, dread and wonder, all at the same time. She deeply desired to return to her father, to be in this infinite space for a while, and to be free from the pain and suffering of the body known as Agatha. But, there was a feeling welling up from deep within her soul, one that began to show her possible visions of what her life could become if she returned to her body, still laying motionless by the tree.

She knew what she must choose.

She knew she would return to her body once again, although there was still a part of her that wanted to stay with her father in this eternal realm forever.

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Chapter 6: “The Choice is Yours, Agatha”

“I will always be with you, Agatha. I always have been, and I always will be throughout your entire incarnation. All you have to do is call on me, and I will be there. I am the sparrows who swarmed you. I am the owls calling outside your window. I am the wind in your hair, the sun shining on your skin, sometimes shining a little too brightly giving you a sun burn. I am everything, everywhere, all at once, and my love for you shines eternally, effervescent and ever present wherever you may go. Do not fear, do not worry about meeting the same fate as me. My soul chose this, and so did yours. We never come to the physical realm alone - and you are never truly alone when you see the strength in spirit that is with you always, eternally.”

“I will return to my body” Agatha spoke, a bit half hazardly as she didn’t know if she could trust him.

“It is the guru who has stifled your trust, my dear. She has much love for you, yes, but she houses much fear within herself additionally. She has misled you, purposefully, so she could never lose you. Much like you cling onto me and my memory, she clings onto you and your presence deeply, desiring to keep you limited so you never leave her. She is not a bad woman - she too is just confused, blinded by her wounds, inner turmoil and fears.”

In that moment, a rush of memories came over Agatha, as she was realizing the truth in her father’s words. She was shown all the times she bypassed her own intuition, choosing to listen to the guru Cathy over herself. She was shown why she has been in so much pain, and why the guru will not teach her how to heal her body in the ways that Cathy has done for herself.

Agatha was confused, enraged and disappointed that this happened right under her nose, and deeply angry at herself for trusting Cathy all this time. She was distracted from her rage temporarily when her father said “now, it is time to let me go. Remember what I said, Agatha. Do not lose yourself to rage like your mother.”

Agatha realized then that this is why her mother drinks so often - to mask her feelings of rage, disappointment and self hatred that stem from her own childhood. She understood that if she held onto these feelings she felt about the guru, she would suffer the same fate as her mother.

“You must let go, Agatha - you must have enough strength, courage and love to let these feelings go. Forgive her, Agatha. Forgive your guru for her own shortcomings, for hiding within her own wounds and projecting them onto others. Forgive her for being human - see her light, see her soul, and you will return to love once again. See the soul in all, and you will never fall short or be deceived again. Energy can never lie, as you will continue to see…” her father said, and then they were transported off the boat they were floating aimlessly on, back through the Realm of Souls, of Remembering, and through the door she walked through to get here. She was back in the astrals, and her father was gone.

Agatha panicked, and cried out for her father, beginning to cry. Just as she started to cry, her father’s words echoed in her mind “you must let go, Agatha… now it is time to let me go…I am always with you, I am everything, everywhere, all at once…

And then, she felt she had the courage to let her father go… the most difficult choice she had ever made, but one that held so much power and force that it felt deeply right, true and loving, all at the same time. She drew in a deep breath of the cosmic energy that surrounded her in this realm, and blew it out, thinking, saying and feeling all at once “I… Let… Go -

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Chapter 7: The Return

A swirl of energy, pressure and distinct feelings of unconditional love flooded over her, consuming her, sending her spinning back down, down, down… until she felt herself coming back into her body, through the crown of her head. She felt the sun on her face, burning her a bit, as her father had just mentioned… she felt the grass between her toes… “where have my shoes gone?” she thought, and then opened her eyes, realizing then that she was back in her body, back on the physical plane.

She saw her shoes scattered across the field before her, as she must have lost them when she was swarmed by the sparrows just moments before. She wondered how long she had been gone, and what the heck she had just experienced… she remembered it all, and was filled with such intense feelings of grief, denial and unease, yet at the same time such gratitude, love and honor for the fact that she was back in this body, and could continue on this path that was laid out before her.

Agatha sobbed for a few moments, but soon the tears turned into laughter as she looked up at the sky and saw an owl flying overhead. “I am always with you…” her fathers voice echoed in her mind. “Remember this, always…

And she would. She would never, ever forget. Her body felt lighter, brighter and stronger as she anchored more into it. She wondered if this is what it felt like to be ‘fully healed,’ the feeling she had been seeking for her entire life, especially since her father’s passing.

She slowly started to get up, wiping the tears from her face she collected her basket and stretched towards the sky.

“Alright, dad…” she said out loud “Show me the path. Lead the way. I am eager and ready to walk the path laid out before me.” and in that moment, a sparrow flew by her face, so close she could feel its wings beating through the air. She gasped, and then laughed, following the sparrow down the path towards town. She arrived at the guru’s shop, and as she did, a massive gust of wind opened the door before her, knocking the guru on her bottom once again.

“Oh, my dear Agatha, you’ve given me a startle. Your energy, your power, is different… what did you do? Where did you go, where were you just before this??” Cathy said earnestly, to which Agatha replied “I have just returned from the Realm of Souls - I have communed with my father, and returned fully healed. I am enlightened” Agatha said, quite confidently and with a splash of ego thrown in. The seeker - now enlightened and forever changed - was excited, empowered, and had never felt so alive, and wanted to demonstrate this newfound power to her guru, whom she had just learned a shocking truth about, and was still navigating how to approach this news.

The guru Cathy laid speechless, and just like their first meeting, Agatha kneeled down and began helping the guru gather the herbs she was just laying out on a table.

“I forgive you, dear guru… I forgive you. I honor your soul. I respect your wisdom. I love you, dear one, no matter what has been done in the past. I love you…” said Agatha, as the words just rolled off her tongue quite uncontrollably. “WHAT did I just say…” thought Agatha, when she realized these words were not entirely her own, being channelled through her.

The guru laid puzzled, digesting Agatha’s words, wondering what in tarnation was going on, what had changed, what had happened to her seeker who stood before her changed, and illuminated with the light of spirit, quite literally glowing in front of her.

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Agatha’s presence was alarming at first for the guru, but then a massive smile broke out across her face as she felt deep layers of unconditional love and healing penetrate her body.

“Thank you, dear one… thank you” Cathy said as tears came down her face.

Agatha handed her the herbs, wiped the tears from her face, and turned around to walk out of the shop. She opened the doors, and turned back to smile at Cathy once more… “No, thank you, my dearest guru” Agatha said as 2 sparrows landed on her shoulders. She smiled again, and walked out of the shop, with a massive gust of wind closing the doors behind her.

The guru stumbled to her feet, and rushed to open the doors, to see that Agatha was gone, nowhere in sight… “impossible…” thought Cathy, but as this thought entered her consciousness, a sparrow feather drifted down from the sky, right onto Cathy’s nose. In that moment, Cathy knew her beloved seeker was gone, but not forever. A strong thought came to her in that moment - “the contract has been fulfilled” - and the guru understood. Then, another gust of wind nearly swept her off her feet, blowing up her skirt and revealing her undergarments, which a few nearby kids laughed at.

Usually, this moment would send feelings of fear, embarrassment and anger through Cathy, which she would have projected onto the nearby kids laughing at her… but, instead, when she felt these feelings, she laughed alongside the children, and felt the embarrassment dissipate into intense feelings of love, bliss and joy. Cathy quickly turned around, quite puzzled, and re-entered her shop, switching the OPEN sign to CLOSED and retiring to her office chamber in the back to collect herself and process what had happened.

All she could feel was pure bliss and unconditional love. All she could think about was the way she reacted, so differently, to the children laughing at her, and why she had done that. It was so out of character for her - these were the moments she despised and ran away from, but she was able to stay present and meet the experience with love and laughter. It felt like years of karma and rage had been washed away, out of her being, forever - she felt younger, yet like she aged 9 years in these magical few moments she had just experienced.

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Chapter 8: Ripples of Forgiveness

The guru Cathy wondered what to do next - and in that moment, she realized there was nothing to do. Nowhere to go. Nothing to change, nobody to impress or to be mad at. She entered a moment of pure presence, something she hadn’t felt since she was a small child. Waves of emotion washed over Cathy as she leaned back in her arm chair as she remembered who she was before her pain and anger had changed her. She remembered how she loved to play in the sand, how she loved the way the rain felt on her face… she remembered how playful life was, before trauma and pain had made everything so serious.

All she could do was sit there, as a witness to all that was unfolding through her and around her. Hours passed, and she was interrupted by a knock at the door. Who could that be?

She stumbled to her feet, hobbled over to the door, and saw it was Agatha… she threw open the door, excitedly greeting her dear friend.

“I forgot to give you this…” said Agatha with a smile, handing the guru a leather bound notebook with an owl on it.

Cathy saw what was inscribed on the notebook, and broke out into tears… “An owl…” Cathy said, quivering “I used to love owls as a child. They used to sing to me outside my bedroom window all night, providing comfort amidst my mother’s pain spewing episodes”

“I know…” said Agatha. “How could she know, I’ve never told her about my old love for owls, because it’s been too painful for me” thought Cathy. “…they provided the same solace and support in my youth, too” Agatha continued, and all Cathy could do was hug the young girl. “Thank you…” Cathy cried, hugging Agatha tightly before letting her go.

And before the guru could say anything else, the seeker smiled, turned around, and walked away, disappearing almost entirely into the dust of a nearby horse and carriage. The guru caught a glimpse of her shiny, long red hair blowing in the wind, before she was gone again. Cathy let out a sigh, knowing that this was the end of a chapter, but the beginning of something great. The guru was forever changed, humbled and filled with deep respect for this experience.

Nothing was ever the same, but that was a good thing. The guru no longer needed to hold onto anything, because she was filled with such love and honor for all life, all beings and life experiences. What was once tainted by pain, horror and sadness was now filled with pure love, acceptance and blissful presence. All was well, once again.

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Tales of the Enlightened One began spreading all over town, as people were forever changed day after day, touched and moved by the girl with flowing red hair and who walked with birds perched on her arms and magic in her heart.

Agatha, the Seeker turned Awakened Healer, was touching countless lives across the land, reconnecting people with their Truth, opening their hearts and helping them remember who they were before pain tainted their souls.

The guru never forgot Agatha, and always wished for her return to the shop. Maybe someday they would meet again… but for now, their paths were moving in different ways, divinely guided and orchestrated for the purpose of bringing love, healing and wisdom to the physical plane. Cathy continued serving people through her shop and healing remedies, healing all sorts of physical ailments and heartbreak.

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2 lives were forever changed that sunny day that Agatha gifted Cathy the owl notebook, and thousands of lives continued to be touched, healed and forever changed as a result of this pivotal moment of forgiveness.

This is the power of unconditional love.

This is the power of forgiveness.

This is the story of the Seeker and the Guru.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! The beginning of the story was inspired by a client Akashic Records reading from 2022, and the rest was written over a few months from August 2024 to October.

I hope this inspires you to forgive others, no matter what they may have done or how they may have acted in the past. When we forgive others and offer them unconditional love, without the need to be right or to scold them, the healing that occurs ripples out and impacts other people 10 fold.

The tale of the Seeker and the Guru reminds us that when we seek healing or enlightenment externally, in other people, we run the risk of being misled or taken advantage of - seeking enlightenment is a process that occurs within, and unfolds over divine timing… it may at times be guided or initiated by others who offer us their loving and enlightened presence, which is always divinely guided and orchestrated, but the more we seek externally the more we realize it is all within us.

True awakening and enlightenment comes through resolving the separation, tension and judgement within you. Yes knowledge, spiritual teachings and wisdom can assist in this process, but it is not the source of enlightenment, only one of many paths that leads to it.

Try to realize it’s all within yourself
No one else can make you change
— Within You Without You, The Beatles

Have you ever looked into past lives?

Have you ever wondered about reincarnation, karma or parallel lifetimes?

if you’re interested in booking your own past life reading, this excerpt is from a “Soul Realignment Reading” - an Akashic Records reading that dives into your divine soul blueprint, past life karma still influencing you today, and any karmic patterns keeping you in misalignment.

if you would like to book a reading with me ~ more info is in the offerings tab, just click the Soul Realignment Reading :)

I am sending you all so much love ~


Sara Murray


What Is Shamanic Wisdom? Stories on Finding Purpose and Shattering the Societal Box You’ve Been Put In.


Solace in the Shamanic Realms - Why I have Spent More Time in the Spirit World than the Earth Plane…