My Story…

Hello friends, seekers, beings of all kinds!

My name is Sara, and I am the creator of Ancient Esoterica - a space where the wisdom of our ancestors merges with the present day esoteric knowledge that is becoming available to humanity once again.

The following is a snapshot of my life story, detailing a lot of significant moments that helped shape me and make me who I am today. For those who don’t know me yet, my spiritual awakening journey began following a near death experience that left me severely burned on more than half my body. This NDE activated my spiritual gifts of hypersensitivity, increased empathy, and intuitive psychic insight… disconnected me from mainstream society… and left me with physical disfigurations that would forever alter my life path.

At first, I did not see my disfigured, severely burned body or hyper sensitivity as a gift.

I hated these “gifts” at first - however the more I walk my path of awakening, the more I see that my injuries, challenges and limitations serve to activate a remembering of my truth, and to re-align me with my true path, while showing me that I have been highly sensitive & in tune with the shamanic realms since birth - I just didn’t always have the terminology to explain my experiences.

Over the past 7 years, I have alchemized my personal traumas, suffering, burdens and pains into purpose - through connecting with and knowing my true self, my soul, and my spiritual aspects, I have been able to shed so much suffering that resulted from living life out of alignment.

Now… Let’s dive into the magic that is… My Story! :p

Chapter 1: Awakening

Lover of esoteric knowledge, expanded consciousness and spirituality, I consider myself a lifelong student of the universe and devoted truth seeker. My life began on the North Shore of Massachusetts, and was considered very “normal” according to societal standards. I grew up getting good grades with lots of friends and neighbors to go on adventures with. My parents split when I was 4, so I became used to trading off between my mom and dad, often living 2 completely different lives when with each parent.

I lived full time with my dad since age 6, and moved away from my hometown in the city to a more rural, wealthy town at age 12. This was a very challenging time for me, because moving to a VERY different town in the 7th grade is very life-shattering, at least in my opinion. I knew nobody in this new place, and did not fit in at all - but I made a few friends quickly, and I am still in contact with those friends to this day, with one of them still being my best friend. We were a bunch of lost souls, misfits in this preppy, matrix bound town, and we found many ways to have fun.

personal photo, 2o13

Throughout my childhood and teen years, I was always fascinated with history, the ancient world, aliens, spirits / the paranormal, and anything that wasn’t mainstream. I also loved music, movies, filmmaking and photography - I started my 1st youtube channel in 6th grade, and it got me in sooooo much trouble - getting me banned from the internet in my home until I graduated high school.

I’m serious, I had no internet access until everyone got iPhones when I was in 10th grade - and still didn’t have wifi access in my home.

These challenges ultimately became great blessings because they created a healthy detachment from technology & the online world in my formative years. All of my peers grew up engulfed in tech and social media, and I see how easily addictive it is for them - although I am present on social media, and I am by no means perfect, I find myself very detached from it - I almost have to force myself to go online and check in with people at times.

personal photo, Hamilton MA, 2014

I’ve also found that my core interests have followed me through life - my favorite show in middle/ high school was (and still is) Ancient Aliens, my cousins & I used to “hunt” for aliens and mystical woodland creatures back in the day, and I’ve always been drawn to filming, photography, media, and youtube… something I am preparing to step into again soon. These passions I feel have been guiding me to my purpose and my life’s work, and the more I discover about my true self through astrology, Akashic Records, the gene keys and more… the more I see that these guiding lights have been calling to me for a reason, and I am truly here to create magic on the Earth plane.

My life hasn’t been easy in the slightest, but recently I realize that I wouldn’t have it any other way. My path is sacred to me, and it is perfectly unfolding in divine order.

During High School, I faced a lot of isolation, bullying and stress. My home environment was not pleasant, due to my father working 16 hour days and my step mom not being fond of me at the time. My grade in school was very uptight and cliquey, so I never felt like I truly belonged or was wanted. I connected with some groups who resonated with me from a few different towns around me, and these people had a huge impact on me, and I am forever grateful for them to this day.

my high school senior class, 2015

Mr. Melville’s Film Class, 2014

hometown friends, 2011

personal photo, 2011

After High School, I went through my first awakening, and although I had no idea it was happening, it was a pivotal moment in my story.

Just before the end of my senior year, I had a falling out with my father whom I was living with at the time, and moved in with my mother. My dad & step mom refused to go to my high school graduation, even though they had raised me the last 10 years, because they did not want to see my mother and for other reasons that I found out later. There was a lot going on in 2015 for me and everyone around me.

I didn’t fully process this trauma until years later, because I dove into distracting myself through partying and going out with friends.

personal photo, Manchester by the Sea, 2015

I started college later that year, going to Salem State located in witch city Salem Massachusetts. Living in Salem was AMAZING, and so activating for me - although I was very distracted, I was introduced to metaphysical arts and lots of spiritual aesthetics. It was here that I discovered something that would truly change my life in many, many ways - weed.

Weed helped me transcend my depression, re-discover joy, creativity, passion and bliss, and helped me find myself. This is why I call this period my first awakening - because due to my life circumstances, the environments I was in, and activities I was participating in, I was able to take some of my power back, make liberating choices for myself and start adventuring again.

Personal Photo, Gloucester MA 2016

This time I was living out what it truly means to be young, wild and free - staying out all night, meeting people from all walks of life, and discovering what was possible for me. I was very much running through life, just going from one activity to the next, to the next, to the next. This is when I entered my party phase, which truly liberated me from the confines of a passive, mundane life.

Personal Photo, Gloucester MA 2016

It was also at this time that I received my first tattoo - which is a pretty funny story. I actually passed out while getting the tattoo, which I now see as somewhat symbolic of one chapter ending in my life and another beginning.

Personal Photo, “Little Africa” Salem MA 2016

I had just gone through a painful break up that was long overdue, and was celebrating my newfound freedom through going with my friends to get tatted, something my boyfriend would have thrown a fit about. At the time, I thought the tattoo meant “good vibes” - but little did I know it would activate a new chapter of my life, and hold very special significance in my life down the line.

Personal Photo, “Little Africa” Salem MA 2016

As I was looking back on photos from this period, I realized it truly was right after I got this tattoo that I entered a chapter of newfound freedom, sovereignty and joy. I had amazing groups of friends, was well liked by many, had a good job at a tanning salon that I enjoyed, and was doing OK in college. I even got to go to prom - something I didn’t get to do my senior year of High School.

Personal Photo, Saugus MA 2016

Personal Photo, Lynn MA 2016

I was partying a lot, and through this I was finally achieving a life long dream of mine - to be popular. I was invited to lots of parties and spent my life having fun and making new friends. When school ended for the year, one of the funnest summers of my life began - Summer 2016. I went to concerts, spent a lot of time at the beach, and went to parties all over Massachusetts. This time shaped me into an independent, fun loving person who was always seeking an adventure. It helped me embody more of my authenticity, and break out of the mundane matrix that many people expected me to just accept and step into. I was rebellious but being as responsible as I could be, and due to my heightened sensitivities, I could never in excess, feeling tipsy after just a beer or 2 and earning me the nickname “3.4 beer Sara”.

There are so many memories wrapped up in this time period - I’ll capture them in a few photos.

Personal Photo, Beverly MA 2016

News Paper Article, Hampton NH 2016

Personal Screenshot, May 2016

Personal Photo, NASCAR, 2016

In the fall of 2016, my partying phase continued but took on a bit of a darker tinge… I was starting to see the darker sides of alcohol consumption, partying and living life at such a fast paced rate. I was coming down from the high of the summer, and was expected to go back to classes, something I was not passionate about at that time - I just wanted to continue chasing highs, going out and numbing myself. I did not want to face reality, especially after everything I had gone through in my life that I hadn’t fully faced yet.

Personal Photo, Marblehead MA, October 2016

So I kept on doing what I was doing, coming into a series of wake up calls in the form of crazy wild nights. I was roofied at a bar one night, waking up 2 hours late to my shift and still feeling drunk the next day… which ironically was the night I met some of my lifelong friends, who quite literally saved my life that night. I truly believe that it is often within our greatest challenges that our greatest gifts can be realized.

Although I experienced some lows, I still continued to seek out fun adventures wherever I could, which truly is written in my DNA - I have Gene Key 35 twice in my profile. Iykyk. ;)

Personal Photo, Salem MA, October 2016

Personal Photo, Salem State Dorm, November 2016

In the fall/ winter of 2016, I stopped going to my college classes because I was working long hours to support myself, staying out all night, and quite honestly, I just did not want to go. It felt pointless to me to attend these classes I had signed up for, and truly the only class I wanted to attend was Geology, which is the only one I passed I’m pretty sure. I was totally unmotivated to go to school, and didn’t have anyone supporting me or invested in my true wellbeing. My dad wasn’t in the picture, my mom was busy raising 2 kids under 12, and the rest of my family just expected me to go to college, get good grades, work and be happy. Period, no questions asked.

I felt so misunderstood, and had a deep distrust and distaste for authority figures and anyone in the mainstream world. I think this is why I catapulted myself so strongly into the underworld at this time - binge drinking, finding myself at parties at crack houses, getting fake IDs, and smoking lots of weed. My dorm room was a safe place for me, and is where a lot of my friends would come smoke and listen to music.

Personal Photo, Marsh Dorm, Salem State 2016

These are the only places I felt at home, and felt a sense of freedom. I was deeply confused, lonely, and distracted - still just moving from plan to plan, party to party.

And thats when I met Sam…

Snapchat January 2017

Chapter 2: Connections

On January 3rd 2017, I was invited to go to a bonfire in Hingham MA - somewhere I had only just visited for the first time a few days before New Years. I was with an old High School friend that I had just reconnected with, so I invited her and together we ventured to Hingham, to a spot in the woods that would become very special to me in the future - Triphammer.
I had met some of the Hingham boys those few days before New Years, and some of my old party friends were at this bonfire, so it was honestly a really good time. They played great music, it was such a cool spot, and there was an energy of newness and excitement in the air.

I remember the second Sam mentioned he had a cool car, I was interested. I overheard him talking about how he had just ordered a custom spoiler for his Teg (aka Acura Integra) and how sick it looked. I remember going up to him and asking about the car, starting a conversation with this interesting, funny, charismatic human. We talked the whole night about cars, music, parties, funny memories and our distaste for mundane things like school. I don’t entirely remember the details, but I knew the conversation had a serious impact on me. We exchanged phone numbers, and he even put his hand on my knee ;)

At this time I was making a lot of connections… this group in Hingham really resonated with me, and it felt like the past year of my life was preparing me for this. We were all on the same page, in similar places in life and liked the same things. From the music they played, to the adventures they wanted to go on - I had never met people who were so on board to do the things I wanted to do, and who wanted to include me. I will forever be grateful for these people and for the sense of tribe and support they gave me both during and after 2017.

Personal Photo, Marsh Dorm, January 28th 2017

Me and Sam began dating January 15 2017, and life became next level fun. A whole new world opened up for me - and I was no longer moving through life alone, I had a partner in crime by my side now. I would take him and his friends to parties at Salem State, and they quickly welcomed me into their friend group, inviting me along to their south shore shenanigans.

The parties continued… but since the turn of the new year, things took a lighter tone again. I was exploring new territory in the south shore, and truly felt like I was part of something, although at times my insecurities and emotional traumas would raise up without warning and at inconvenient times. It would always manifest as intense anger, powerlessness and frustration, with hints of defeatism and depression. These were the emotions I had been running from, just building up the more I avoided them and acted unconsciously. Even though I was having the time of my life, the dark underbelly of emotions within me would roar when it could, trying to be integrated.

Despite it all, the highs and the lows, many core memories were made at this time. Road Sodas were drank, Jeruse Cruises were had, sunsets were watched almost daily, and we couldn’t wait for summer nights on Nantrashket Beach. For spring break we went to Florida to visit Sam’s grandparents in Venice and to meet up with friends at the University of Tampa. We got tattoos, went to Universal, and went on lots of adventures in the sunshine state.

Personal Photo, Venice Beach FL, March 14th 2017

Personal Photo, Universal Studios Orlando, March 17th 2017

A little before spring break, I dropped out of college - or moreso, I was asked to leave because of a series of miscommunications with signing up for classes. Looking back, I can see that it was so divinely timed - because right after this, I moved in with Sam in Hingham. I was staying with my grand parents since a little before New Years because my mother “couldn’t deal” with me and my partying.

Living here, I had to work full time and be home at 8 pm - this was their way to try to “rehabilitate me” and get me to stop partying and living the life I was living. This just made me feel even more lost, misunderstood and isolated, and Sam picked up on this so he did everything he could to respectfully and kindly move me away from it all. Although I do agree that partying isn’t the best thing to do, it was part of my path and is how I found myself early on, so I wasn’t ready to give it all up and live a straight edged, boring, “normal” life.

Personal Photo, Hingham MA, March 2017

Personal Photo, Middleton MA, February 2017

At this time, I was working full time at a car dealership on the north shore, and would drive 2 hours to and from Hingham 5 days a week. I soon burnt out from doing this, and just wanted to spend all my time with Sam. In a way, I could subconsciously sense that my time was wearing thin with him, and that it was in my best interest to be with him as much as possible. So I left my job on the north shore, and worked part time at a little restaurant on Nantasket Beach in Hull. Sam was going to school at Umass Boston and working as a pizza delivery driver for Papa Ginos, so as he was finishing the school year we would hangout with friends and work.

Snapchat, April 3rd 2017

Personal Photo, Cinco de Mayo 2017

That summer of 2017, I was also drawn to spend as much time as I could outside, in the sun - I believe this was foreshadowing for the events to come that would forever altar my life in the fall, when I could no longer be in the sun at all for years. Our subtle senses, inklings and feelings are always guiding us towards something, and can usually be noticed when we look back. That summer, I NEEDED to do as much as I could everyday, outside in the sun, and as early as possible, with Sam. Looking back, I can really see how my intuition was guiding me in many ways.

Personal Photo 2017

Personal Photo, Hingham MA April 11th 2017

We had a great summer that year. We got pretty close with my cousin Emma and made lots of silly memories with her, spent lots of time with our friend group, and went to more parties all over the south shore - even venturing down to a skeleton house close to Cape Cod. These were nights I will never forget, with amazing people.

Personal Photo with Emma, Hampton Beach NH June 25th 2017

Although things were fun, things were a little heavy. My un-integrated emotional turmoil began to raise up in ugly ways, and I could tell Sam was going through some things as well. He wasn’t as happy as he was before, and I could sense an unfulfilled feeling from him. We kept partying, hanging out with friends, but things weren’t the same. There was distance growing between us, especially as my shadows were coming up more and more.

We were at a crossroads, an interesting time where major life-changing events were approaching, but we had no idea what this entailed. Me and Sam weren’t getting along as well, mainly because we had no idea what was going on, what each of us were feeling, and what to do next. I was texting ex boyfriends, he was texting girls disguised with guy names in his phone, and we were growing out of the exciting energies of the spring time. We almost broke up a few times, and I almost moved back to the north shore, but something within us would not let it happen and knew it wasn’t the right time.

A heaviness set in over that summer, one that can’t fully be put into words. As I look back on photos this time, I can see the heavy energy in our eyes, almost anticipating what was to come at the end of the summer.

Personal Photo, Hingham MA, July 6th 2017

Personal Photo, Hingham Shipyard, June 28th 2017

Personal Photo, Hingham MA, July 3rd 2017

Throughout the summer, a lot of the heaviness subsided, and as we moved through July, we had some really fun memories. Sam saved up his money he made from selling weed & delivering pizzas, and in late July, he bought a motorcycle. He bought a used Red Kawasaki Ninja from a very nice man in the south shore, and we towed it back to Hingham with his friend. He spent the next few weeks learning how to ride in the parking lot of the Hingham Shipyard, where we lived with his parents. He got his motorcycle permit, and some of his friends got bikes around the same time too, all feeling a pull to learn how to ride and experience the freedom that motorcycles bring.

Personal Photo, Hingham Shipyard Apartments, July 26th 2017

Soon, as he got the hang of things, I began going on rides with Sam. He was very safe with the bike, never getting on it unless he was completely sober and ready to ride. We would go on really nice rides, and I enjoyed it because he enjoyed it so much - not gonna lie, the whole experience spooked me, but I didn’t want to miss out so I went along for the ride, and got used to things rather quickly.

We went to a few more parties, had some more bonfires, and did our usual things we did on summer days. We all grew closer, and things began to balance out emotionally, mentally and physically. Our focus was on having fun - as it should have been at that time. Hindsight is 20/20.

Skeleton House Party, South Shore, August 1st 2017

Towards the end of this chapter, on August 5th 2017, our whole friend group went to a country concert together, and it felt like an amazing way to close out the summer. Everybody was together, even some friends who didn’t hang out much, and we all got to experience one last hoorah before friends went back to college or started new full time jobs.

Change was in the air, we could all feel it.

Personal Photo, Mansfield Xfinity Center, August 5th 2017

Personal Photo, Mansfield, August 5th 2017

The following days were pretty average - Sam went out with friends for a few nights, leaving me home to watch the netflix show “OA”, and one of our friends had the house to himself, so he hosted us the night of August 9th, where we had some beers and spent quality time together.
A deep heaviness was approaching, as it had multiple times over the summer. This time, it couldn’t really be pinpointed, but it was there.

Chapter 3: August 10th, 2017

The day of August 10th, 2017 started off a normal day - Sam went out for a bit to ride bikes with some friends, leaving me home to watch some netflix. I texted Sam in the afternoon letting him know his mom was home from work early, and that was our only texts that day. He came home a little while later, and we both got ready for our nights. There were a few parties that night - I was going to one at my friend’s house, and Sam was going to go to our friend Dean’s house for a guys night I’m pretty sure.

We decided to go for a sunset cruise on the motorcycle together, before we went our separate ways for the night - little did we know, we would be going our separate ways in a more profound way, for more than just 1 night.

At 630pm, we entered Southfield in Weymouth - now known as Union Point, it was an old retired air force base that was being turned into a smart community, with apartments, homes, shops, sports fields, and more. It was the perfect place for a night time bike ride, because the sky is so open and there was really no traffic in this area because not many people lived there yet. We road through the complex, checked out the house that was currently being built for Sam’s parents - another reason we liked riding here was to check out the house we would be moving into in the winter of that year.

We checked out the house, got off for the bike for a moment, then headed back home, around 645pm.

As we were riding away, my intuition came on strong and told me to “pay close attention to my surroundings, be present and take in the scenery,” so I did. This never really happened before, at least that I was aware of. This was a strong inkling with a bit of a sense of urgency, so I began consciously looking around, noticing the cars parked in an empty lot, the beautiful nature lining the road, and feeling the wind on my body. I was wearing a t shirt and cropped leggings, so the fresh air felt nice.

As I was observing, we went through 2 rotaries, stopped at a stop light, and started riding again, slowly getting up to speed on the 2 lane road ahead of us, in the left lane, when a car in front of us decided to make a sudden U-turn. The car was an SUV, and it was in the right lane, almost at a complete stop, when it turned across the double yellow, right in front of us, without a blinker, trying to turn around and go in the opposite direction.

Sam tried to stop the bike, hitting the breaks and creating a (10 foot) skid mark, until crashing into the side of the SUV, puncturing 2 holes in the gas tank of the bike, igniting an explosion. The explosion was seen, heard and felt for miles around, many being drawn to the scene because of the massive mushroom cloud that erupted into the sky.

I was blown off the bike, and Sam was trapped under it, after he had taken the impact of the crash. We found out later that Sam shielded me from the impact, sacrificing himself to save me and taking all of the impact. He broke almost every bone in his body and was trapped under the burning bike, succumbing to the powerful flames while I was left with zero internal damage. I was still severely burned and badly injured externally, but was somehow miraculously saved from the impact of the bike hitting the car at almost 30 miles an hour. I remember feeling the impact, feeling Sam, but then I was thrown off just far enough away from the fire due to the explosion. My helmet was blown off, and I landed close to the scene. I remember feeling the heat from the fire, looking down and seeing my legs on fire, with flames up to eye level.

I said to myself “holy shit, I’m on fire…” and started patting out the flames. I touched my face - bad idea because I had burning oil and flames on my hands - and thats when I realized something really bad had happened. At that time, an older man ran up to me, and began assuring me he was going to help me and everything was going to be ok.

I started telling him to get Sam, help Sam, motioning to the bike, but the man couldn’t see anyone else in the mess of flames and burning vehicles, so he didn’t understand. Some others came over to help too at that time, and since I was the only person they could see, they thought I was the only one on the bike. They dragged me over to the side of the road, near a tree, and layed me down, when an off duty EMT pulled up who happened to be cutting through the Southfield complex to get cat food. She said she never went that way, but felt like taking a different way home. Luckily she was there - she knew everything to do to keep me stable until an ambulance arrived.

Then, the pain hit me all at once, and I started screaming and swearing, A LOT, saying things like holy FUCK it hurts, holy fuckin SHIT, things like that. I remember I felt bad I was swearing so much lol. I began hearing sirens approaching, and almost like I knew the ambulance was pulling up, I started to black out. I don’t consciously remember anything after this - I had a series of dreams of what was going on in real life, but it was then that my consciousness left my body and transitioned into the astral planes.

I began to have what I call my “coma dreams”, which I am still unpacking to this day. And actually, up until the trial for the accident in September 2022, we thought I was airlifted by helicopter to Mass General Hospital in Boston - it was only when the ambulance drivers testified in court that we realized I was driven into the city in record time.

Rest In Peace Sam Gates 7/2/98 - 8/10/17

One of the Last Photos of Sam, August 5th 2017

Chapter 4: Life wasn’t always so magical for me…

My near death experience changed my life forever overnight. I was severely burned on more than half my body and spent months in the hospital journeying between life, death and transcendental experiences.

photos courtesy of my family, 8/11/17

I experienced things I didn't think were possible, which lead me to discover many truths hidden behind the illusions of human society. This catalyzed a spiritual awakening for me, where I found myself questioning reality and searching for truth.

During my coma I astral traveled and communicated with spirits over 10 days, through a series of what I’ve always called “coma dreams”, who told me it was “time to go back to the hospital because I had work to do,” to which I replied “I don’t want to go back there, I just got here.” But I was told it is not my time, I have work to do on the Earth plane…

On the physical side of things, my body was being tended to at one of the best hospitals in the world for burn care - Mass General in Boston, MA. I had 3rd degree burns on 57% of my body, and was put into a medically induced coma for 10 days so my team of doctors could tend to my badly burned body, and so I did not die from the intensity of the initial experience.

personal photo from family, August 11 2017

I was put into a plastic bubble, so infections and viruses could not spread to me and to keep my environment warm. At this time, my skin was being prepped for skin grafts and weekly surgeries I would be having in the future.

I awakened from my coma on the day of a profound solar eclipse - on August 21 2017, reborn and forever altered physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

So there I was, bandaged head to toe, undergoing major surgeries every week while spending a total of 11 weeks recovering from my burn injury at MGH, and 3 and 1/2 weeks at Spaulding rehab in Charlestown, for a total of 105 days in the hospital.

I turned 21 in the ICU, surrounded by close family and friends. We were able to have a birthday party for me, and my nurse practitioner Jason gifted me a budwieser for my birthday! It was truly so meaningful, magical and heart warming, because I wasn’t able to see many people before due to risk of infections. I will say, one of the hardest parts of my hospital stay was seeing how some people reacted to my injuries. People would look at me with horror - not on purpose, it was their natural reaction - and would sometimes leave the room crying. It was a very intense, very emotional time for everyone.

personal photo, MGH ICU Boston, October 3 2017

Here I am, cheersing my lil cup of champagne that I took 1 sip of, lol.

So from August 10 - October 27 I underwent weekly surgeries, got multiple life threatening infections, got pneumonia a few times, and had to have daily bandage changes that were extremely painful. The nurses tried many things to help the pain - they gave me VR goggles that played a country concert from my favorite artist Eric Church, which actually helped a lot, and they gave me ketamine once that sent me into a realm of swirling colors that was quite interesting. The nurses were everything for me - they cared so much, and we spent everyday together for months. They taught me how to walk, how to drink water again, how to write, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth…

I was truly, in every way, reborn during the fall of 2017.

personal photo, MGH Boston September 23 2017

This time will always be sacred to me - even though it was so painful, there is a deep reverence that I hold for this period of my life, and all that I overcame.

personal photo, Spaulding Rehab Charlestown, November 7 2017

personal photo, Spaulding Rehab Charlestown, November 7 2017

I was always told that I was so positive during my time in the hospital - but it just felt normal for me to be positive and optimistic. I could intuitively feel how much my family and friends around me were suffering, so I felt it was my duty to be strong and positive, for myself and for them, and that I couldn’t show weakness because it would discourage them. Obviously I was very, very weak physically… but mentally I was strong as hell. I’ve always done this - taken responsibility for others needs and emotional turmoil over my own needs & feelings, to try to keep emotional balance and peace in the environment. I’ve always had to be the strong one for others - which has proven to be a gift and a curse at times. But, my strength helped me survive and get out of the hospital much faster than expected.

personal photo, Spaulding Rehab Charlestown, October 27 2017

Since my injury, I have had over 30 surgeries, and found myself to be very sensitive to pretty much everything - however this formerly perceived curse is also a blessing to me because it taught me so much about health, the importance of what we consume, and how to take care of the entire being - mind, body, emotional well being, and soul connection.

My burn injury caused me to seek out knowledge on natural & holistic healing modalities, and practices that help bring the physical body back into wholeness & radiant health. I was first exposed to yoga and reiki during my time in the hospital, which opened me up to energy healing and the magic of many holistic practices.

I learned how toxic our food, mainstream skin care, hair products and clothing was. Since I am not able to use products on my body that have any perfumes, dyes or harsh toxic additives, this sort of forced me to be mindful of what I put both on and in my body.

It caused me to understand the importance of a balanced diet, exercise routines that resonate with the individual - aka trying things like yoga and walks in nature over going to the gym - and seeking out information on food, nutrition, healing with herbs, and overall health.

personal photo, November 2017

My NDE awakened my connection with the spirit realms, giving me heightened sensitivity to subtle energy and access to higher dimensional communication and information. As soon as I left the hospital in November 2017, my friends, family and I began noticing synchronicities and messages from our friends in spirit, guiding us towards something.

personal photo, homecoming day, November 22 2017

Back then I lost a lot of friends who were on a different path than me, but I connected with soul family that I am still in touch with today, who went on this magical mystery tour with me through expanding consciousness, healing, and experimenting with psychedelics and plant medicines.

personal photo, Marblehead MA February 22 2018

I began following intuitive breadcrumbs, and started going through a spiritual awakening in September 2018. I had a series of experiences on psychedelics that connected to my transcendental coma dreams, and broke the linearity of reality for me.

I learned the true nature of reality, and raised my vibration to the point where I started attracting more synchronicities and magical happenings.

personal photo February 18 2017

From there on, I have been diving deep into spiritual teachings, researching consciousness, and receiving “downloads” of information that have unlocked a deep inner knowing within me and love for truths and higher consciousness.

I’ve been reading tarot for over 4 years, doing Akashic Records soul readings for 3 years, served as a professional psychic reader all over central Florida for 2 years, and have been building my online spiritual mentorship business since 2021. Although I have not used psychedelics in over 2 years, I still work with various plant medicines from time to time when I am called.

personal photo, Savanna GA, May 2019

Throughout 2019, I could feel that this “I have work to do on the earth plane” message in my coma was becoming more and more clear as I proceeded on my spiritual path.

I could see that the information I was learning about in my spiritual studies and research of conspiracy theories could activate higher states of consciousness when heard at the right place & right time, so I decided to alchemize the pains of my life into purposeful work through posting on instagram, desiring to help people discover their truth and learn about whats really going on on planet earth at this time.

In 2020 I became a certified Soul Realignment Practitioner, an Akashic Records reading modality, and in 2023 I began work on a Shamanic Life Coach certification, giving me the necessary tools to help guide others into embodying their mission, finding their purpose/dharma, and to heal negative karmic patterns at the root cause, thus stepping into a higher level of being as a result.

personal photo, Woburn MA spring 2023

In many ways, the journey has just begun. I am only 27 years old as I write this, but I have experienced more so far than most people do in their whole lives. So, I am eternally grateful for all my experiences, but the difficult and the magical, because they make me who I am today. I would not be able to feel so deeply, relate to people and understand the depths of human suffering if it wasn’t for my experiences through life, death and the in between.
I hope my story inspires you to keep going, seek the light in the darkness, and look for the ways your life experiences connect overtime. I often see that if it wasn’t for my early challenges, I would not be able to unlock my greatest gifts that I am stepping into at this time. There’s so much more to write, and one day I will probably speak more about my awakening experiences back in 2018-2019. But for now, I will leave it at this.

Thank you for taking the time to read this snapshot of my story. I hope it inspires you to share your own personal journey to transformation, and all that you’ve overcome in your life. It’s not easy to revisit the past, but it is worth it sometimes to reflect on what you’ve been through and remind yourself of how strong you really are.

So much love beautiful souls.


Sara Murray


what is the matrix?


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