A Message to my people…

September 10th 2024

By Sara Murray

This is a short (or long whoops :p) essay inspired by the themes & energies I have been moving through this week. Much of this was inspired by a former project of mine that I never shared from May of 2020, called “A Message to my People”, that was focused on bringing attention to the control systems in place surrounding us at this time on Earth, and getting us to question our reality. Although before it was written very much from a victim mentality, I still see value in questioning authority, questioning our oppressors and the day to day lifestyle we have been presented with, so as to free ourselves from any limitations that have been imposed upon us by external forces.

As always - take what resonates and leave the rest alone.

Much Love!

personal photo, March 2020

Shattering The Illusion We’ve Been Presented With…

Why do we do what we do?

What drives the choices we make, the situations we place ourselves into, and the circumstances we attract to ourselves?

Are we really the helpless victims our society wants us to think we are?

Are we really screwed, destined to live a life of suffering, solitude and oppression?

Are we really victims of our circumstances? Or are we more powerful, and quantum, than we’ve been led to believe?

These are important questions we all must ask at some point in our lives, otherwise we risk staying on the hamster wheel and repeating the same karmic cycles over and over, with no relief.

personal photo, "Question the Answers" phone case, May 2019

Transformation begins when we question our immediate reality - when we ask ourselves who we are, why things are the way they are, and why we are choosing to submit to the realities we uphold in our being.

Its funny, as a child I had a cousin who I thought asked too many questions… and it annoyed the shit out of me.

Anything an adult or authority figure said, he would ask them “why?” - and it drove me crazy for some reason.

Now I see that asking a simple “why?” is one of the most essential, crucial things we can do in any moment, and it is what opens up our innate power center within us. It is such a valuable skill to cultivate as we move through life, and questioning things can become a tool we use to discern what is in alignment with the core of our being, and what is not.

Why do we do the things we do? What is the intention, the energy, behind each of the choices we make each day?

personal photo, July 2019

Since my awakening began, I have felt such a drive within my being to help people figure things out and see the truth for themselves, to get people to ask questions about the reality they’ve been presented with, and to accept nothing blindly. Many times I’ve been amazed at how much people will defend their illusions, and will fight for the control system, because its all they’ve known and they don’t want to admit to themselves that something is wrong, because then they would actually have to make changes in their lives. We humans are deeply, deeply conditioned to choose comfort and familiarity over doing whats right or true, and this causes so many of us to fight for things that do not serve us, and to uphold a sense of normalcy over things that are in fact not normal at all.

We live in a world that is changing, rapidly, every minute of everyday - and this is very scary for all of us, even the most highly conscious, self aware, courageous humans.

Everything that has been presented to us and shoved down our throats for generations is now coming back up to be reflected upon, analyzed and understood through the lens of Truth, with a capital T.

We all have the ability to tune into the frequency of Universal Truth through our heart center and through cleansing the higher faculties of our mental body. Our beliefs create our reality - you may have heard this many times before, but it is true - what you believe to be true, and uphold within your being, must be true, even if it does not align with Universal Truth. This means one person can believe and experience something to be true, while another being believes and experiences the total opposite, yet both are true to the individual. This paradox is what has caused so many issues in our world, because we cannot comprehend that 2 truths can exist at once.

There are people out there who believe vaccines save their lives, and there are people out there who believe they are killing us - and they will continue to see this reality reflected back at them as long as they hold firm in their beliefs.

But what if humanity is preparing to move beyond being solely based in Subjective Truth - my truth vs your truth - and into Universal Truth? Both aspects of Truth will always be present on the Earth plane, as we will always be 3D individuals within a realm of polarity, but the more humans raise their frequency, the more they have access to these universal truths that flow through all of life across all of the universe to varying degrees.

personal photo, May 2019

Universal Truth is beyond the fabricated laws of Man - beyond the structured systems, upheld popular lifestyles, and beliefs that have been imprinted upon us during our younger years.

We are told this is the way it is - we go to school, go to college, get a job, get married, have kids, put them through the same systems, and thats it, were supposed to end up happy and healthy, but we are actually the opposite... We’re told we have to work for a living to support yourself and your family, but is the system really set up to support anyone but those controlling it?

We work long hours, doing things we hate, because we’re told we have to and thats just the way it is?

We’re told to be debt slaves by who, the government, who are nearly all millionaires and billionaires, and who have never actually worked a day in their life? This does not excuse the self made millionaires who have organically risen into positions of power and influence, and who have the best interest of humanity in mind, but these stories seem few and far between to those on the outside looking in, those on the bottom of the pyramid desperately trying to evolve out of their oppression. So we just accept our slice of life we’ve been given, accept we are not “chosen” or meant for anything more, and that “that’s just life.”

We work for the people who own everything in the world, yet we all have nothing.

Most of us work 40 hours a week, sometimes even more, doing energetically and spiritually draining work for people who don’t even appreciate us…

And for what?

Just because a group of rich assholes told us to?

I get it, I’ve been told businesses help the economy and the economy is needed for people to live in peace or something, but look at how unfairly the system is set up…

It is set up so a few families get all the money and control, and they sit back and live the life of their dreams while the working class make just barely enough to survive, and maybe do 1 or 2 of the things they dream of doing in their whole lives.

Most of us live a very limited life, at least in lower / middle class America, but we dont even realize because we spend most of our time in virtual reality… in THE MATRIX

photo from google

The matrix is a digital, artificial perception of the world that has been fabricated and put in place by a few groups of people, without our even knowing or questioning, in order to maintain control over the population. It includes the virtual realities we have constructed for ourselves online and in our automated, technology based society. It is the reality we are fed through movies, advertisements, mainstream media, school, and any government mandated structure in the world. Schools, banks, malls, convenience stores, hospitals and grocery stores are all put in place to keep us within the realm of the matrix, and exist to give us a false sense of normalcy, happiness, and striving for a fabricated sense of success.

It’s all fake. Unnatural. Designed to keep us within a certain frequency bandwidth, so our energy and resources can be extracted and cycled through the system.

We are kept within the bounds of the ego, with no perception that there is anything beyond it.

We are manipulated through our attention and our emotions, as the powers that be (or were) know exactly how to get us to do what they want, while keeping us traumatized, fragmented and weak. A deep void is created within us, one that many of us will do anything to fill.

Money, relationships and items who’s true value is inflated keep people pretty distracted, as these are things that fuel the ego and keep us seeking for more, seeking to fill that void.

The ego wants to feel justified, secure… in addition, the ego is familiar with having hierarchies, and striving to be at the top of those hierarchies. The ego functions in separation and competition, because it is the part of us that is separate from the whole, separate from our spirit or soul.

Our focus is put on things that feed and distract the ego, which causes our spirit to be muted. We are taught to honor only logic, because intuition connects us directly to our soul, and to the source of all life.

Our soul guides us energetically towards evolution, towards achieving goals we want to achieve on a soul level for growth and experience.

Our ego wants to remain in what is familiar, safe and predictable, in order to survive.

We have been kept in survival mode for 1000s of years, purposefully, so a small few could maintain power and control over the many.

My soul remembers a time when things were not like this, when humanity was an interconnected organism that collaborated and lived in harmony with the universal laws of nature. It very much feels like humanity is awakening out of its slumber, out of 12,000 of years of darkness, and remembering what it truly means to be human again. A new era is dawning across planet Earth.

This is what those in control do not want

They dont want free thinkers, people who create their own opinions and people who question authority - because then their system would fail.

The system operates on ignorance

As long as we stay blissfully ignorant, avoid discomfort, avoid facing the truth and remain completely distracted, we will not question our reality or the systems of control in place.

Comfortable control.

Our spirit is what pulls us in directions, what gets us to take leaps of faith, to trust and just going for it.

Our spirit reminds us that we are eternal, and we never really die - it is only the ego that fears impermanence.

Our spirit is our gut feelings, who we are at the core, and it forms the basis for who we are authentically. Who we were before we were told who to be.

When this is muted, and the ego is in full control or distracted, we don’t hear our spirit as much.

And, lets just come out and say it… keeping us controlled financially is what really keeps us from questioning our reality, and keeps us deeply ingrained in survival mode, doing anything for money and to make ends meet. I bet we have all experienced this to varying degrees in our lives, we all have tasted scarcity and fear of financial peril at some point in our lives.

We all know we cant live without money. We need money to eat, travel, be comfortable, or do literally anything at all.

This is how they maintain control…

We have NO freedom, it seems like we do because of the abundance of distractions constantly surrounding us everywhere we go no matter what we do, but no matter what we do it seems to us that we need money, so we just stay home and watch tv, have another drink, smoke a smoke, play another game, do anything to distract ourselves from how powerless we have been convinced we are.

We often don’t question money stuff because having a lot of money is portrayed the key to life, it gives you the freedoms you desire and it is the primal focus of our society… but then what happens to everyone when they finally get that bag they’ve been fighting their whole lives for? Often, you are left spiritually unfulfilled, anxious, confused… which is why they say money can't buy you happiness, it just enhances the issues you already had.

Experiences, having courage, relationships and human connection give us happiness, all of which can resonate on a spiritual level… The spirit is infinite, energetic and everlasting, it doesn't give 2 shits about money or material possessions. At the end of our lives, what really matters is how we lived our lives and the memories we hold, which are created through the emotions we feel when doing the things we do.

We don’t realize how infinite we are, and have been trapped within egoic consciousness purposefully… this is why people will do almost anything for this financial freedom and abundance.

When we think this is all we have, our only shot at existence, we will do anything we can to achieve what we want and be the best, all topics that feed the ego mind which needs to constantly make sense of its reality and protect its survival.

We usually dont get around to achieving financial freedom because we get sucked into distractions, which are significantly more easier than stepping into the unknown.

We are taught we have to work hard and thats the meaning of life, is this not what is told to a slave race?

We have been seen as slaves to the small few who instilled this system, and that is the way they want to keep things, so they never have to actually do anything that serves anyone but themselves. These beings at the very top of the pyramid are service to self oriented, and are often doing the biddings of beings who lurk in the shadows, often called the Archons.

These archons will do anything to escape their fate, which is facing the consequences of their actions over the last few 1000s of years. These beings soul purpose has been to mislead, trap and extract the life force out of humanity, to feed themselves and their agendas in unnatural ways.

We have been debt slaves. Slaves to a system of control, for 1000s of years. The movie The Matrix is seen as more of a documentary the more you wake up…

photo from google

We have been constantly giving all of our energy away to these control systems, completely unaware and ignorant to the importance of energy over striving for ideas of material wealth.

We are purposefully not taught about the energetic nature of our lives because it frees us from the matrix.. but we are all slowly starting to wake up to the reality that has been presented to us, but is not the only reality there is.

We are all starting to realize that we do not exist just to work and obey authority, to do as were told and never ask questions, but that we exist to do that - EXIST.

We exist to experience being a human, while learning lessons in every decision and action we make as our soul evolves through linear time.

We are not here to be slaves to the 1% of the world.

We are here to live as the 100% was intended to, to live free

Who says we need to put up with this shit much longer?

The only reason they’ve gotten away with it for so long is because we had no idea…

Ignorance is bliss, knowledge is power

The game has been rigged against us for some time… and now, from the inside out, we are reclaiming our inner authority, stepping into the unknown, and trusting that we are meant for something more, for a greater life than we have been handed.

Through the very cages we’ve been given - technology, virtual realities, debt slavery - we are rising again, breaking free from the inside, and creating a more sustainable, harmonious world as a result. I believe humans are good at their core - it is only when we are pinned against each other, and programmed to be caged animals, that we experience the havoc we see on planet Earth.

Educate yourself on the reality that this may be a control system that is built on structures of evil intent, and that we have been controlled, manipulated and distracted in order to drain us of our energy and spirituality.

You can decide to remain ignorant and distracted forever because its “easy”,

Or you can free yourself of mental enslavement and start creating your own reality…

Living the life of your dreams, and discovering the limitless potential in everyday life.

Just because its always been like this, doesn’t mean it has to continue on.

We are the overwhelming majority

We are the consumers, workers, and funders of their entire system.

We call the shots, we just didnt think we had a choice.

Its time to take our power back, start thinking for ourselves, and live the lives we were meant to.

We don’t need to escape reality anymore, the only thing holding us back from living and enjoying life to the fullest is ourselves.

We are taught from birth that there are many things holding us back from being happy, we are never able to truly get to do what we want to because of authority figures put in place to keep us from experiencing too much freedom. These authority figures always want to “keep us safe”, but end up controlling and manipulating us to fit their specific agendas, which don’t always work for us. I can think of a few scenarios in life where this has played out for all of us, many times throughout all stages of our lives.

The only ones who truly know whats best for us is us, and the only way we can learn whats best for us is through making mistakes and learning lessons. The more you see the lessons in everything you do, the more you can learn from them and consciously create a better reality for yourself.

We all crave freedom in one way or another, the only one holding us back is ourselves.

The only limitations you have are those that you place upon yourself.

personal photo, July 2019

We are so much more than we’ve been told… it’s time for us all to remember, and discover our truth.

Here’s to global awakening, expansion, and shattering the illusions of the matrix :)

Much Love & Namaste,



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