about sara

Hello friends, seekers, beings of all kinds! My name is Sara, and I am the creator of Ancient Esoterica - a space where the wisdom of the Akashic Records and our ancestors merges with present day esoteric knowledge that I have been in the process of remembering for the past 7 years.

I am passionate about spiritual teachings, ancient civilizations, music, plant medicine and more. I offer Akashic Records Readings, tarot readings and 1:1 mentorship, both online and in person.

Life wasn’t always so magical for me…

In 2017, I had a near death experience that changed my life forever. I was severely burned on more than half my body and spent months in the hospital journeying between life and death, and spent 10 days in a coma. I awakened from my coma on August 21st 2017 - the day of a very significant Solar Eclipse - symbolizing the beginning of a spiritual rebirth for me, and my soul awakening.

I experienced things I didn't think were possible, which lead me to discover many truths hidden behind the illusions of human society. This catalyzed a spiritual awakening for me, where I found myself questioning reality, awakening my spiritual gifts and searching for truth.

Nothing was the same for me after this, and I found I couldn't just return to the mundane, "normal" life I was living prior to my injuries. I had a new lease on life, and my soul craved more meaningful and purposeful experiences.

Although I had incredible love and support from so many amazing people, I often felt alone in a crowded room because I had a hard time relating to people. My senses were extremely heightened now, so I could feel other people’s feelings and how uncomfortable I made them, which was only mirroring how uncomfortable I was with myself in this new, and very much unwanted, body.

awakening to a new reality…

Following my recovery, I discovered I had heightened intuitive abilities and sensitivity to energy. I began to dive into my research, peering behind the veil and discovering the truth behind many illusions in society. I started to experience "downloads" of spiritual information, which acted like intuitive breadcrumbs that guided me on my path to higher consciousness. I was figuring out the way the world really works, and aligning with the laws of the universe.

At this time I also discovered psychedelics, which reconnected me with my soul & spiritual nature in so many ways. Psychedelic medicines helped me reclaim who I was before society told me who to be, and helped me understand what the heck was happening to me.

I exited the matrix, turned inward and dove into my studies of metaphysics, energy, the shadow, esoteric knowledge and the soul.


In August 2020, I felt a call to leave home and move to Florida. I spent a year living in Tampa, and connected with the many amazing spiritual communities of St Pete FL, including the Galactic House Fam & many other lightworkers.

This is where I began reading tarot at various kava bars, vending and music events, and started to pave my own path for myself. Here I became a Certified Soul Realignment Practitioner, an Akashic Records healing modality, and began offering Akashic readings professionally, spending time as a resident Akashic & Tarot reader at Indigo Moon in Bartow, Florida.

In 2021, I moved to the swamp of central Florida for 2 years, where I experienced many highs, lows, healings and activations.

I experienced what I now know is a “dark night of the soul” while living in the swamp - it was challenging, but at the same time liberating, because I was able to learn a lot about myself and discover what was keeping me stuck in many shadow elements of my being. I suffered a lot during this time, mainly because I had no idea what I was experiencing, or how to find balance and relief from this deeply rooted suffering.

I had just expanded my consciousness so far into the light, that I was catapulted equally into the darkness, discovering so much about consciousness, the collective unconscious, and my own demons.

It was this challenging time that I felt the call to serve others through mentorship work and my soul readings. I truly saw the value in this work, through how much it helped me during my dark night of the soul, and how it honestly saved my life. I have struggled with suicidal ideations since the 8th grade, and these dark thoughts became very intense throughout 2022 and 2023.

I felt a very strong pull to move home to Massachusetts in 2023, which began a year-long period of truly healing many patterns at root cause and transcending the limitations I found myself trapped in for years. It felt like I had sort of ran away to Florida - it was my intention to get some space and heal during my time living there, but eventually I felt like I had to stand on my home soil to complete my healing process. During these emotionally and mentally tumultuous times in my journey, I found anchoring through my work with the Akashic Records, Soul Realignment, and through studying the Gene Keys and many other esoteric bodies of knowledge. I re-integrated into the matrix by taking a job as a lunch lady at my local middle school, and holy shit did I learn SO MUCH. I am still unpacking the many lessons, activations and upgrades I’ve moved through during the past year, but I am so grateful for the frequency and state of alignment it has all led me to embody.

I’ve found that through my quest to know myself and understand the human experience, I was able to release deeply ingrained patterns and traumatic emotional energies that were keeping me stuck and fragmented in shadow consciousness. I have a warrior spirit - and through the polishing and remembering of my true soul frequency, I have found peace, love, bliss and presence on the Earth plane.

It is truly my passion to share this work with others, and this is why I started my platform “Ancient Esoterica”.

Through spiritual teachings, mentorship and readings, I am here to help you remember who you are, to integrate any challenges you may face, and receive higher guidance about any area of your life.

In my readings, I work with the Akashic Records and my intuition in order to provide you with the knowledge and guidance you need to connect with the truth that lies within you. I love to help others see things from a higher perspective, tune in to the whispers of their soul, and connect with their own authentic truth and frequency.

It is our birth right to live joyfully, sometimes we just get lost in the illusions of the human experience. And thats ok! It is my goal to provide the tools and knowledge you need to manifest your dream life while expanding through joy - because plot twist, we don’t have to grow through struggle if we don’t want to.

I believe our purpose is to continue to expand and co create with the universe, and we can do so through struggle or through joy - it’s our choice. When we discover our authentic nature, we can create a life that is in full alignment with our deepest dreams, desires and goals, and take action with clarity that these things are possible.

Anything is possible for us when we are in the driver’s seat - and when we step into higher consciousness and awaken to our true nature, we step out of living life on autopilot.

My primary focus is on helping spiritual seekers discover who they are at soul level and overcome any challenges they may face throughout their life's journey, so they can create the life of their dreams.

I believe that we create our reality, and that everything happens for a reason…we are spiritual beings having a human experience, here to play the game of life however we like, and we can choose to grow through joy rather than struggle.

It’s time for us all to discover our truth.

It is my intention to share the knowledge I have accumulated on my journey with the world in order to help others expand their consciousness, open their hearts and awaken to their truth.

I believe it is our birthright to be free, abundant and sovereign creator beings, living life in ways that feels good to us. We are not alone in our journey - so many souls are awakening right now, and the more we remember the less we are controlled. Knowledge is power!

If you would like to work with me, check out my services in the offerings tab! I offer spiritual awakening mentorship and my signature soul reading, which each have their own tab. Check it outttt :D

Much Love & Namaste,

Sara Murray