Rebirth of the divine feminine - 1/28/24

The following is an energy update that I published in October 2022 on my previous platform, Flow State Awakening. I stumbled upon it tonight and it resonated deeply - it truly felt like it was written to be read & received today, due to the relevance of the themes & guidance to what I was working through this past weekend.

I hope you enjoy!

xx Sara Murray

Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse♏️🦂Death & Rebirth💀Release & Renewal🌱

These are some of the more challenging, denser energies we all face from time to time in the human experience, and we are reminded that we can’t have 1 without the other.

Our own mortality is often questioned during times of great change, global chaos and upheaval, stirring up deeply embedded discomforts, fears, unknowns.

What comes after death? Where do we go when we leave here? Questions run through our minds, wondering, searching, demanding answers.

What if there are no answers at this time?

This doesn’t mean answers will never come, but that maybe right now we are meant to surrender to the unknown, to not knowing. Knowledge comes when we are ready.

Instead of waiting for answers, drop into the heart space and just be. Feel. Allow clarity to come, to flow over you like an ocean wave, in tune and in sync with the moon.

What’s going on inside? What is asking to die? What is ready to be released, to become a distant memory? What is trying to leave, but cannot because our attachment is keeping us clinging?

We cannot move forward and create the future if we are stuck in the past - creation only happens in the present moment.

And sometimes, we don’t have to know all the answers to release the past.
We don’t have to know exactly where we are going in order to create the future.

We can just BE, surrender, feel into our creations and birth them through the flow state and alignment, when the timing feels right.

This is the awakening & rebalancing of the divine feminine energies.

Many of these concepts I’ve mentioned are very masculine - logic, action, control, planning, pushing, force. These are the things we are bringing into balance - we do not want to banish these things from our experience, we just want to balance them with the essence of the divine feminine.

The feminine flows, creates, destroys, receives, feels and surrenders.

She does not force, does not live only in the world of the mind. She understands the necessity of honoring what we feel, in embracing the sensuality of life and recognizing there is so much beyond the mind, in the realms of feeling and intuiting.

She understands the need to slow down, surrender and be, all these things being just as important as their divine counterpart - the masculine - which reminds us that without work, there is no play. Without logic, there is no structure, without safety there is no trust.

She nurtures all beings, all life. She accepts all within their divine nature. She understands the value that lies in being unique, different.

The divine feminine is not within girls only - it is being awakened within all of humanity, regardless of gender.

This She essence has been repressed in our shadows for so long that many of us don’t recognize it, and often resist it.

It is conditioned within us to go go go, push, force, to know everything, work harder, control outcomes… but through this, we are only living in 1/2 of our potential.

Remember the sacred importance of slowing down and tuning in - of flowing through the multidimensional realms of feelings and energy.

This is a powerful eclipse portal.♉️♏️

Surrender. Be. Die and be Reborn🏜

As I said this was written during the Scorpio Eclipse Portal of October 2022, and I happened to read it tonight, which left me saying what - the - fuck lol.

As we begin 2024, an 8 year in numerology, our divine feminine and masculine essences are being balanced & activated in new ways never seen before. It’s felt like we are being blasted with feminine energies at an unprecedented rate, at least in my own experience. At times I’ve almost felt “drunk” I’d say, or like I’m caught up in a whirlpool of watery, flowy, feminine energy.

If you’ve felt ungrounded, flighty or overwhelmed by the energies at this time, what’s helped me most is tuning into my body through a quick meditation / contemplation experience, bringing my awareness first to my feet, my legs, up through my entire body & 7 chakras. Then I’ll tune into any areas of my body that I can feel any chaotic and or negative energy in, usually manifesting as pain, tension, distress, discomfort or overstimulation. Once I’ve brought awareness to the energy, it will usually reveal why it is manifesting - either something needs to be let go of, processed or just looked at & given space to be acknowledged. These sensations can be linked to emotions like shame, guilt, fear, anger or grief to name a few, and are often trapped in the body when avoided. When we create presence for what we feel in our body, both physically and emotionally, we are able to move through stuck traumas in about 90 seconds. If you are able to focus your mind and bring your awareness into your body, you may be surprised at what you find & learn about yourself.

Much love,

Sara Murray

xx :)


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