Solace in the Shamanic Realms - Why I have Spent More Time in the Spirit World than the Earth Plane…

By Sara Murray
September 20, 2024

Ever since my near death experience in 2017, I’ve been more comfortable in the shamanic realms than on the earth plane.

The density, chaos, and predominantly shadow frequencies operating on the Earth plane can be too much for me - from time to time I need to enter “hermit phases” or go into a self chosen isolation and solitude, because the density and unconsciousness that is prominent in mainstream culture overwhelms me.

I feel many on the spiritual path may relate to this, or can remember a time when they would rather operate in the imaginal, spiritual realms of higher frequency rather than operate on the earth plane. Now, this is an imbalanced approach to life - human life is intended to be equally balanced between the spiritual realms and the physical realms, honoring both… however during this time of rapid expansion, awakening, upheaval and the crumbling of old control systems that do not serve life, it can be challenging to be fully present and embodied through it all, especially when we are naturally sensitive, spiritually attuned souls.

The etheric realms can serve us in many ways on our human journey - and can serve as a place of solace, safety and healing when we feel beaten down by the 3D world structures that are currently dying. As always take what resonates and leave what does not - but it is my intention with this article to share some of my experiences and perspectives of navigating Earthly life in a dying world as a higher dimensional soul in a human body.

image from facebook, "Ut, Planet of Magic Winds" by Leoncio22

When I began my spiritual awakening in 2018, I entered in and out of a hermit phase of my life - this time, it was due to falling out of resonance with mainstream paths, becoming deeply dissatisfied with following the crowd, while at the same time peering behind the veils of illusion that currently blanket a lot of humanity, uncovering what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporation of America, and learning the truth about the global shadow cabal that has maintained control for 1000s of years. 

I was so curious about everything paranormal, metaphysical, and having to do with other realms. I was expanding my consciousness through my curiosity in these other worldly concepts, and little did I know my soul was guiding this process so I could continue to expand and not turn back into comfort and listening to those around me.

personal photo 4/15/2018

For a while I was getting increasingly more intolerant of living a mainstream life and blindly accepting that this is just the way things were. I knew, and could feel, that there was so much more to life than what was surrounding me, and as I spent time in my contemplation, learned the truth about reality, and discovered the dark underbelly beneath mainstream society, which showed me why I was rejecting American culture and the unhealthy lifestyles I was living.

Upon awakening to this massive, ancient control system and death cult that has its tentacles in government, corporations, and power systems all over the world, I withdrew and stepped away from mainstream culture, and dove into my studies of consciousness, spirituality, and the tentacles of the “deep state” or shadow cabal.

personal photo, 2019

"The Great Awakening Map" circa 2019

The more I learned the truth, and discovered why I was so averse and uncomfortable with mainstream society, my discomfort on the Earth plane eased a bit. I desired to explore life, and do things differently than I have been while I was following the crowd. I shifted my focus from how “wrong” everything was, and decided to dedicate myself to learning how to live in balance and harmony with all life, nature and the laws of the universe. I no longer hated life as much, and fell in love with understanding how reality really works, and the true potential of all of humanity.

This was a period where I was learning how to tune into the shamanic realms, even though I didn’t fully realize it, and when I was activating my spiritual gifts, discovering my purpose and starting to heal my mind, body and soul connection. I found deep relief in the higher realms, and journeying through the shamanic realms with music, meditation practices, and plant medicines / psychedelics. My soul felt a familiar sense in these journeys, very much feeling “at home” and connected to all life when I was detached from the Earth plane and the environments around me.

personal photo 6/19/2019

In addition to detaching from disharmonious environments around me, the shamanic, spiritual realms, and higher states of consciousness gave me solace and relief from the intense discomfort and pain I was feeling in my physical body - I had just been severely burned 3rd degree on 57% of my body, back in late 2018 / early 2019 was undergoing surgery every 6ish weeks, was very isolated from a sense of community, felt betrayed and burdening to my family, lacked love (and self love) in a major way, and struggled connecting with friends due to the intensity of my near death experience & the subsequent loss of my boyfriend Sam in that motorcycle crash.

personal photo 4/14/2018

Everybody around me just wanted to party and act like everything was fine & dandy, but I literally could not play along with the illusion & escapism matrix culture that comes with partying. My body always rejected alcohol, I could not act like it was OK to play the game in this way anymore. I was tired, I felt betrayed, confused and lost - but I truly found my way and eased this tension in my life through my connection to the higher realms, and through connecting with new friends who shared this interest.

So yeah, there was a lot going on in the human, earthly aspects of my being… a lot of suffering that I had no idea what to do with or how to integrate. I did the best I could with the level of consciousness I had at the time. I escaped, transcended and journeyed into the shamanic realms - following intuitive breadcrumbs in the form of synchronicities, trying plant medicines, psychedelics, falling in love with channeling, receiving downloads, tuning into esoteric topics and holistic healing methods that really, truly worked and actually helped ease the physical body discomfort that comes with severe burns and disharmonious environments.

personal photo 4/13/18

This time from 2018 - 2021 was a beautiful, magical, divinely guided time of opening, expanding and discovery, however I was barely integrating my experiences, instead becoming addicted to learning, reaching these spiritual highs, and touching higher consciousness for moments at a time - but still suffering, and struggling immensely in the physical, financial and social aspects of my life.

Ram Dass’ story of his awaking journey really truly resonates with me - he mentions in his first book “Be Here Now” that he fell in love with the psychedelic, shamanic experience, but became deeply depressed at times because he couldn’t maintain the heightened state, and he always came back to earth.

personal photo 2024, "Be Here Now" by Ram Dass

He spent many years trying to “figure out” or find someone who knew how to stay in the enlightened, psychedelic state - he states “and by 1966-7, I was in the same predicament. I was aware that I didn’t know enough to maintain these states of consciousness. And I was aware that nobody else around me seemed to know either. I checked with everybody I thought might know, and nobody seemed to know.”

“I had done everything I THOUGHT I could do, and nothing new had happened. It was turning out to be just another trip”

He speaks a lot about being shown the garden of Eden, of experiencing and tasting heaven for a few moments, then being cast out again.

“And it was a terribly frustrating experience, as if you came into the kingdom of heaven and you saw how it all was and you felt these new states of awareness, and then you got cast out again, and after 2 or 300 times of this, began to feel an extraordinary kind of depression set in - a very gentle depression that whatever I knew still wasn’t enough!”

Also in Be Here Now, Ram Dass describes one of his experiences being in a state of total homogenous light and bliss for 4 hours, and when he started to come down he recalls a “huge red wave” rolling across the room made up of all his identities and humanness. He held up his hand and said “NO, NO, I don’t want to go back” as this wave washed over him energetically.

Its funny, the color red energetically resonates with the root chakra, and the more “human” aspects of ourselves… cool correlation!

After several experiences like this, he realized that one experience was not going to make you enlightened forever. After 6 years of experimenting, he realized that “no matter how ingenious my experimental designs were, and how high I got, I came down”

This resonates deeply with my own personal experiences coming back to earth after I spent 10 days in a coma following my near death experience. During my last “coma dream” as I call them, right before I was about to come back into my body & wake up in the hospital, I was told by a great spirit that it was “my time to go back to the hospital, I have work to do”…

To which I replied “I DONT want to go back THERE, I just got here!!!” quite frantically.

The great spirit replied “it’s time to go back, you have work to do”

Then I woke up in the hospital.

And when I woke up, I said to the nurses and doctors around me… “get my shoes, I’m going home”. So, upon realizing my soul was back on the Earth plane, I said screw you guys I’m goin home… (cartman voice from south park, iykyk).

This theme of rejecting my human aspects and the physical Earth plane, and desiring to return to source to the float around in the etheric realms is a common one in my life. This energy is one that has been present for me through my entire life - when I was born, it was 2 weeks after my moms due date… I have faced deep suicidal ideations since 8th grade… I didn’t want to come back into my body after traversing the astral & shamanic realms in my coma… I still do not know if it is my soul rejecting the Earth plane, or if it is aspects of my ego. It truly feels like my soul is more familiar and resonant with the spiritual planes and energetic realms of existence, and that the Earth plane is one that I do not journey to have incarnations often.

However, the more I validate and accept this discomfort, rejection and unfamiliarity of the Earth plane, and understand that there is nothing wrong with me for having preference, the more grounded I become in my physical human vessel. The more acceptance I bring to these long shamed sensitivities, the more I see that my soul essence is sacred, unique and divinely designed to be this way. I have studied 4 years studying my divine soul blueprint within the Akashic Records, and have learned that my soul most resonates with the energies of freedom, learning and teaching, and the higher, more spiritual and etheric realms that I journey to. My experiences with shamanism, plant medicines, the shamanic and imaginal realms, and etheric spiritual energies are comfortable & familiar to me because part of my soul level gifts include channeling and expressing these psychedelic, shamanic energies into physical form.

I am very comfortable in the spirit world - but I do not have to isolate myself there. This is what I am learning at this time.

personal photo 2024, "Be Here Now" by Ram Dass

I spent most of my 27 years of life questioning why I’m here, hating my differences, wondering why I am the way I am, and trying to fit in anywhere to receive love and acceptance. I have betrayed myself time and time again to receive this love, validation and acceptance from others. I have suffered immensely on the Earth plane… but it doesn’t have to be this way forever. Life isn’t supposed to be like this, it is intended to be lived in ways that are unique and resonant for each individual being. We are all unique facets of source energy, experiencing ourselves in temporary physical form before we return home to source energy. We have done this before, and we will do it again… and believe it or not, we chose this life, with all its intricacies, challenges and beauties. We are not being punished, we are not meant to suffer so deeply forever… everything is divinely designed to guide us into alignment with our soul, our truest essence and infinite aspect of being.

So… if you find yourself rejecting your human, your physical experiences, environments or bodily functions… it’s all good, and you are on a sacred journey of your own. Things do not have to be this way - and the more you honor your preferences, your soul nudges, and follow your journey with no judgement… you will make it onto the other side and see clearly what life was trying to teach you.

I am not perfect, fully healed or fully in love with my Earthly incarnation at this time, but I am so grateful I spent so much time in the etheric shamanic realms these past few years, because I learned so much about my soul, my preferences, who I came here to be and what most resonates with me. I was able to find so much relief in these higher realms, and regret nothing.

personal photo, 2024

The only way out is through my friends… and if you feel called to learn more about your soul, connect with the higher realms, or use shamanic practices to integrate your soul into your body… check out my current services!! I am offering Shamanic Life Coaching, where I will blend my Akashic work with shamanic teachings to help you at the level of the mind and the body, so you can align with and embody your authentic soul frequency. I also offer a variety of Akashic Records services, psychic readings, birth chart readings, and more - just check out the offerings tab!

I am sending you all so much love as you navigate Earth life and ride the waves of your current human journey! I am here to support you, courageous soul, as you step off the matrix hamster wheel, step into sovereignty and awaken the truth of who you are and what you are capable of.

Here’s to grand awakenings, seeing the truth, and blessings on this beautiful journey.

Much Love & Namaste,

Sara Murray


The Seeker and The Guru


A Message to my people…