Integrate your spirit into your body with Shamanic & Akashic tools, teachings and practices

The body is a sacred vessel, our vehicle for divine self expression in this incarnation, and it stores so much wisdom within its cells. This may not be the lived experience for everyone though - as many of us hold trauma, intense emotions, programming and memories within our body that is clogging us up, weighing us down and keeping us stuck in the past. We may have tried medications, talk therapies, and other mainstream approaches, but these only put a band aid on the issue…

If you’re ready to heal your mind, body and soul at root cause, through nature based practices, teachings and tools that will empower you for the rest of your life, keep reading… :)

I am so happy to work with you, beautiful soul, to share what has worked best for me, to empower you for life, and to help you shift into alignment with your soul at not just the level of mind, but at the human levels too. I believe our life’s purpose is stored within our DNA, and is unlocked when we remember who we are before we were told who to be, in addition to clearing out the past emotions & traumas stored within our cellular memory.

I have been doing this work for myself through somatic healing practices, root cause healing, connecting with shamanic teachings, knowing who I am at soul level, Akashic Records work, and restoring my connection with nature. This work has changed my life in so many ways already, and I believe these are lifelong tools that will serve you long after we work together.

Through my Akashic Records and Shamanic Life Coaching Certifications, and what I’ve learned in my personal experiences, I will help you come home to your body, ease intense emotional states, share practices to clear out energies that no longer serve you, connect with a sense of purpose, and awaken your highest potential in a deeply embodied, mindful way.

We don’t have to stay trapped within the karma, trauma and past energies of the body forever - when we have the right tools in the right moments, we can shift anything in a matter of minutes, restoring the vitality, wholeness and high vibrational wellbeing that is our natural state. Humans are not meant to be sick, sad and confused - we are sovereign, divine beings, here on this planet to live, to love, to make real impacts, create positive change and to live out our dreams in a way that uplifts us all. We will clear everything that is not in alignment with you, so you can be who you really are meant to be, NOW.

It’s time for us all to remember our truth, and come home to ourselves once more.

We will use various teachings, practices and tools to help you shift at the level of mind and body, so you may align with your soul and be your truest self everyday. These tools include but are not limited to:

Art projects, restoring your connection with nature and spirit, spiritual teachings to understand the multidimensional nature of your body, how to face and feel past emotions without getting stuck in the stories, mindful eating practices, meditations, journal prompts, somatic release practices, power animal teachings, rituals to clear energy and connect with your soul, using shamanic dance to heal, working with the 4 elements, creating sacred space, connecting with spirit through divination, and more!

We will use whichever tools and teachings will best serve you in the moment, and these tools will vary from session to session. There are 3 options for working together using this work - Individual Sessions, 9 Week Packages, and 3 Month Packages.

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Knowing thyself is only half the picture…

For years I was focused on helping people to know thyself at soul level through my Akashic Records work, psychic readings and birth chart readings. I believe when we know ourselves, we can better discern what is right and wrong for us, and make choices that support our own unique divine soul blueprint. Its easy to get lost in Earthly society at this time - so knowledge of self empowers you in to navigate and steer your life in directions of truth and alignment.

Knowing thyself helps lay a strong foundation to guide us through life and to come back to, but it can keep us looping and getting nowhere if we don’t bridge the gap between the body and mind.

The mind is a great tool, but a bad master as Alan Watts says - and often it creates many problems for us. So many spiritual seekers spend most of their time in the higher chakras - in realms of the mind and higher spiritual planes. However, true healing and integration happens on the human level, in the body. Many of us struggle with the sensations, feelings and trapped emotions of the body, and will endlessly try to shift and release them at the level of the mind, trying to “figure it out”. But this keeps us looping, and often confuses us more than heals us.

For years I have found so much value in my Akashic Records soul work - however, it was only helping me shift at the level of mind, and I found myself avoiding, rejecting and hating my body because it was uncomfortable to be in, as it way layered with lot of stuck traumas and feelings. I had to begin at the mental level - to shift my mindset and stop creating more resistance in my body. However, it only got me so far, and I needed to find ways to re-integrate with my human aspects, to heal my nervous system, release stuck emotions and honor my humanity - and that’s when I really dove into the shamanic arts and somatic practices. Shamanism has been an interest of mine for years - and the teachings, tools and practices of indigenous cultures have always fascinated me.

In 2023, I began a certification program to become a Shamanic Life Coach, which gave me the tools I needed to serve myself and other beings at the human level - not just at the level of the mind - while honoring the soul and multidimensional aspects of us all.

I spent over a year learning these shamanic tools to reconnect me with nature and my body. I began seeking somatic healing, trying various practices like breathwork, sound healing, yoga, meditation, reiki and somatic release movement. These modalities changed my life - and the soul work I had been doing for years acted as an anchor & strong foundation for me to keep coming back to as I navigated the layers of my body.

bridge the realms of spirit and matter…

I believe it is crucial to know thyself when going on a spiritual journey, and to be able to use tools like the Akashic Records to understand things from the level of the mind, however this is only 1/2 of the puzzle. When I paired my Akashic work with somatic healing practices, I became an entirely new human.

I’ve been able to work through my suicidal ideations, rewire my subconscious mind to support me not sabotage me, bring healing to imbalances like acid reflux, food cravings and binge eating, release limiting beliefs I was stuck cycling in, and bring overall integration between my mind, body and soul. I’ve been able to make huge steps to walk away from dependencies and addictions, and discover why I was avoiding, numbing and repressing my human aspects in the first place.

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It is my primary intention to empower you with the Akashic Records wisdom and Shamanic teachings & practices that have helped me change my life the most.

I will share what I have learned in my certifications how you can shift your energy at the level of mind and body, to align with your soul.

The Akashic Records work helps you shift at the level of the mind - and the various Shamanic tools I will share will help you shift at the level of the body, bridging the gap between your spirit and your human. These shamanic tools include but are not limited to: meditations, art projects, guides to connect with spirit and nature, mystical teachings to help you understand the layers of your body, emotional regulation tools, and so much more.

Individual sessions are available, and each Package option comes with 1 typed Soul Reading, 1 Astrology Birth Chart, 1 Gene Keys Profile, Soul Realignment Akashic Records work and Shamanic tools.

There are 3 options currently available for this work, all as 1:1 sessions ~

Individual 1:1 session, 90 minute live call

9 Week Package, with 9 weeks of 60 minute calls

3 Month Package, with 12 weeks of 60 minute calls

Have more questions? Interested in booking a session, but not sure which package or session to choose?

Book a free 20 minute discovery call with me! Please email me at to schedule your free call :)

It’s time for us all to discover our truth, come home to ourselves, and be a force to reckon with on the Earth plane.

I am so excited to work together to bring integration to your mind, body and spirit.

So Much Love, and Namaste ~

Sara Murray

Certified Soul Realignment Practitioner

Certified Shamanic Life Coach